
What do you have the sound set to?

I must be missing something.

Sorry, wedding dress.

I felt the exact same way the last time I was constipated!

One distinction - if Scalia were a (union

Wasn’t aware of Google yanking that particular weed.

So you’re pretty good at extracting gall bladders with a pipe wrench?

Doh! I finally got it.

Hey! That’s the escaped prisoner with the stupendous sequoia used on Silly Tillie. Looks like he’s still in prison garb.

Three Stooges Neurology grad, eh?

(Last one)


Chest peesquirts?

Turding the tables?

Umm... Ventitta?

“The great thing about Bendmi, Over, and Spanka ...... in the Bendmi, Over, and Spanka way!”

Ta, mate. Sans Sanchez, I trust?

Jesus. Nice catch.

“It may buy you a Golden Showah from a polo pony, a Cleveland Steamah from a Cambridge dominatrix, or a dirty Sanchez from Madonna’s chauffeur, but it will nevah, evah, get you into the Yale Club.”

She looks like Ann Coulter after getting the 2016 Father of the Year award.