
That’s just what rabbits do.

Right, and most places you can’t just drop trou and have sex with them, like you would a person who started humping your leg.

No, she’s got some sharp corners and edges under there.

Thanks for reiewing a German Weissbier.

It has not yet been widely reported, but Rached Dolezal has come out as a Sixer.

Before those Royals’ fans catch too much shit, it would be well to recall the standing O they presented Cabrera when he clinched the Triple Crown on the last day of the season. Not a gesture by people who don’t appreciate good baseball.

Q - If forced to choose between Kardassinine news and a scratch-’n-sniff report about a leaky septic tank wrapped in dog farts....??

There will plenty of blond minutes in the Lifetime series!

They fit pretty well together at first, but the jig was up by the time Ben got fat and Phil was only shooting blanks.


Mutant Ninja Spermatazoa?

No, Phil threw in with M. T. Mellon and had already left town. It was his partner Dick B. “Red” Ruffinsor, who took over his malpractice.

Golden Rule:

Not sure a kid can give consent to public watersports. Also, public whizzing is a crime for humans, though not for dogs or llamas.

Per our house rules, it doesn’t register on the Negatron if the negger is the only one being negged. So perhaps it comes down to whether it’s a joke or just stupid.

+1 Creativ


We’re you black in between?

+1 insightful; “fuckton”

Dead yet? My pleasure.