I can see it now....
I can see it now....
Ha! A minor tidbit for bi-Rachelites:
Toddler terrorism - not just for humans
But then, odds are pretty good the entire world would be better off without either of them or their devil spawn.
+1 skillful translation from original Latin
+1 Values and integrity
+1 Unusually insightful perception of human race
I don’t think so. There’d better be some chocolates involved and maybe a tennis bracelet.
Yeah, except who else is going to do dick dances for randy old blond sugar babies if Ders is dead? Gotta think of the future.
Huh? I call Shenanigans - pork dish.
Ha! Got me there!
For my edification, if you had to pick one or the other, if reincarnated?
Every life should have meaning. This would definitely do the trick.
Plenty of time till Halloween.
+1 Perception
Oh, shit, forgot:
Tip - Perhaps you should clue Emma in on which goddess you had in mind.....
+1 +2 (rare) Inventive lust metaphor, heart-rending confessions, restrained and tasteful alliteration, enduring optimism, Homeric style, memorable profile picture, unassailable logic.
+1 Finger on pulse of society
+1 Tolerance