
+1 Causing irresistible urge to visit party store

+1 Calling Shenanigans

+1 Weißbier, superior intellect and cultivated taste

I guess it stands to reason that “cheating douchebag” is also not intended as flattery. ?

So “possum-eyed” in your world view, would not be a compliment, I take it.

Just for the record - do you have a quarrel with possums?

+1 Brilliant descriptors

You make a very important point.

Dumb comment on my part. Having read more of your articulate and illuminating posts, I must apologize.

Especially when you hear her talk about saying things “for survival” and as “Creative non-fiction”... Gadzooks!

Nice work. Got any more nuggets for us?

That is a very dark view of basic human nature. Cold, calculating, self-aggrandizing, dishonest....

That’s like saying something like, “Aaron Hernandez didn’t kill anyone until he was convicted by a jury.”

♫ He Left his Farts in San Franciscoooooooooooo...♫

Good point. Cespedes only had a run.

It’s not just his arm that’s a cannon.....

Jesus Christ, Timothy Burke (not the same person), do you really think I wanted to see that at the top of my feed?

Damn, what was it called? A lot different from today’s Kellerweis?

Ja, you’re right.

Gotta go with Weihenstephaner Weissbier, but those others are good, too.