
Boyhood sucks.

Gotta disagree with this review. Once this album gets under your skin its not going anywhere. Unlike Tomboy, I can listen to this all the way through in one sitting and thoroughly enjoy myself. It's really groovy one second and tranquil and beautiful the next. I like it a lot.

Can we make a club of the dozens of us who hate Boyhood? Because that movie was nothing more than a neat gimmick that became unbearable after 45 minutes.

I think Nick misread the movie. The monster isn't imaginary, it's a physical manifestation of her mental state. It's definitely real and there.

This is the End looked pretty terrible too, but I thought it was great and it was universally liked.

How does this work without Jack Black?

Lobo….Lobo…..bring back sheriff Lobo!

I'll never get the love for this movie. It's porn for the "DAE 90's kids?" crowd.

Boyhood made me realize what a well-adjusted, non-douchey young adult I was going into college.

My personal favorite was Wild Onion by Twin Peaks. A really great rock record.

Thank you. I can't believe some people on here actually liked it. It looks so….cheap…..

I did not even notice this until you pointed it out.

"Wanna name him 'Mann?'"

Yeah, I also thought it was great. I mean, about half of the dialogue was WAY too on the nose and I hated how McConaughey had to explain what was happening out loud during that "ending scene," but I loved the music and the imagery and the story. I think it's Nolan's most emotionally effective movie by far. The scene

Yeah I'm vehemently avoiding anything by these guys after Jeff Who Lives at Home. Jesus, what a shit movie that was.

I've had better?!….HAHhahahaha…..I've had better.

Bug's Life is in my top 5 Pixar movies easy. Hopper is by far the best Pixar villain in my opinion.


I don't think anyone really wants this movie anymore.

Surprised Jorah isn't A or B tier.