
I miss Enlightened. I've never gone from disliking a show so much to loving it in the same way. I still listen to this sometimes:

Honestly, I don't care anymore. I wish I did, but I don't.

"You're Not Here" is a rock song, but for some reason it's so fitting within Silent Hill's horrific universe.

You guys are debbie downers. This episode has one of my favorite endings of the series.

I think you hit the nail on the head. I remember 3 summers ago my friend sat down and played Luigi's Mansion for the first time in ages. It took him a while and he got stuck on a lot of parts. Sometimes one play session would just be him walking around. But he loved it. I'm playing it for the first time now and if I

Did anyone else think Boyhood was shit? I thought it was shit.

I highly enjoyed the game, especially the environments. So….

I don't understand why gamers feel like a game should explain EVERYTHING to them nowadays. What happened to discovering some of this stuff yourself?

As long as it still leads with him meeting up with the Maid of Tarth, I"m cool with this.

That's why I'm hoping they bring in a Pet Sematary subplot. More dead animals=more ratings. Maybe we can even add a dead toddler.

Fincher himself has said that the "message" of Fight Club is "grow the fuck up."

You new to the internet?

I cannot stand this lady.

The first 40 minutes of Silent Hill are okay. It's visually stunning.

I agree 100 percent

….They're alright.

Matt Berninger is very aware of the self-parody of his lyrics though. Not that that makes them any better. "I was teething on….roses…….I was is guns and roses….no…NOSES……that's better."

So…people think women dying in movies is sexist now?

Listened to this album on Tuesday. Decided to see them in Cleveland on Saturday. Great show, really diggin these guys.