
Just listened to it, and after being kind of lukewarm to the singles that came out last year, I'm really digging it. I haven't listened to Devil and God in forever but this made me want to go back and listen to everything.

Leftovers is as crazy as a show can be while still having a compelling traditional narrative. With the new season of Twin Peaks, I feel like I have to try too hard as a viewer. It's exhausting sometimes. I'm like, "I like this, right?"

Yeah, Elizabeth looked mad and confused when she saw that Philip was NOT going to shoot the couple.

Perhaps I'm out of touch…..

This episode sucked balls. It was like season 1 in the worst way. I actually kind of liked episode 8. This was garbage. Tommy is a shit character and he always has been.

FEAR. is one of the most depressing songs I've ever heard.

Skyward Sword won't reach the "unappreciated masterpiece" level of the cycle for about another year.

this show is so underrated. season 4 was so good.

The Youtuber who cried racism.

Wait….why fuck Casey Affleck? I'm late to the party.

That last panel is exactly how I feel about Alien: Isolation. I gave up about 3 hours in when no alien had showed up and i was dealing with dodgy AI and anti fun situations.

Very well-thought comment. Clint is old and going a tad crazy but I get what he is trying to say.

While it is a bit ham fisted, I always read it as "This guy is an asshole, and he's never going to change completely, but he was able to do a great thing at the end of his life for someone who he would have never helped or loved before."

Like…..overcoming racism?

This is sarcasm, right?

Ramsay is a terrible, boring character. And I can't believe other interesting characters are being offed for the sole purpose of giving him "evil" scenes. This has been said a bunch of times, but I'll say it again: We get it. He's evil. Stop wasting time with this shit.

"So , you just wanted me to rape you on the off-chance that you were into that shit?!"

Separator is one of their greatest songs. I can understand why some would find the whole album underwhelming, though. I love it.

Ghirahim is better. So fabulous.

Skyward Sword is amazing. I've never understood the hate. The only thing in the game that is downright bad is Fi (not as a character, but as a partner) and other then the sky being kinda empty and the overworld being not what people expected (but not necessarily bad) it's a fantastic game. Great characters, dungeons,