
In the book, Harry and his family live in Derry, Maine. Before Al dies, Jake decides to go back and save Harry to see if it will really make a difference, and before he decides to stay there for 5 years. It goes….okay, and he goes back to the future to see how it all panned out.

I just finished 11/22/63, and without going into detail, I thought it was fantastic.

This is kind of a stupid request, but can you tell me what happens? I'm halfway through, and I really don't care to finish it, but I just want to know what happens. I can't find the plot summary anywhere on the internet.

Is that….is that Dean Cain?

Obadiah Stane was a GREAT villain. Yeah, he was lame when he actually put on the armor, but when he was being a corporate asshole and screaming, "TONY STARK WAS ABLE TO BUILD THIS IN A CAVE…..WITH A BOX A' SCRAPS," he was awesome. They shouldn't have killed him off.

"Not everyone is blessed with such a naturally enticing color scheme."

May I ask what you find insufferable about his lyrics?

I was kind of hoping for that.

Yeah…but then there's three place settings. :/

It's a shame because the highs of this season were amazing.

Totally agree. Why would Jack ever trust Will to oversee the "fake escape" knowing what he knows about Will and Hannibal's relationship?

As much as I love this show, I agree with a lot of what you said. Especially with the treatment of WIll's character growth in this final season and in the final two minutes of the finale. I was just like…."This again?" Also, Alana was a terrible character this season.

“What was it like, killing someone?”

Boyega's character looks like he needs an inhaler in every single clip released so far.

I've lost everything! I lost my company! Liz has left me! That paint is drying…..weird!

Justified is one of the best dramas ever made, in my opinion. But yeah, Newsroom is awful.

Surf's Up is incredibly underrated. I thought of that when I read this, too.

….I miss Justified.

did…..did you post this on reddit?

Chimes, Freddy.