
Is it just me or has it gotten way worse in the last year or so?

B-b-but……easter eggs!

The music video for "Flavor" was enough to make me not like these guys. I'll just pretend I never watched it and go back to liking their music.

Yeah, I'm bummed they got rid of the narrator. The fourth wall breaking moments are some of the best parts of the play.

I'm really bummed he's scoring this. Everything he's done lately except maybe Sherlock Holmes has been boring as shit.

I don't understand who thought this was going to be a good idea. And it's a sign of how bad The Simpsons has become that I don't know if the episode being written by FG writers is going to make it better or worse.

"All the Best Cowboys…" is the greatest LOST episode of all time and how dare you give it a B+.

This is a bummer. He's my favorite character. I hope he'll become a regular again in season 4.


The most talented members of the band are clearly Delonge and Yorke. Hoppus and Selway are kind of pointless. I'm surprised they were able to get Ed O'Brien and Travis Barker in the same room.

The second half of season 3 is the best stretch of episodes the series ever had.

"most of them"

It's Pro-Life and Pro-choice. The use of anti-choice and anti-life are manipulative terms.

I will defend Make Believe til the day I die. It has a few stinkers but "Hold Me," "Perfect Situation," and "This Is Such a Pity" are all awesome songs, among others.

Yeah, the base of what he's saying is mostly true, I think, he just did not think AT ALL before he spoke and the ways he made his argument make it look like a drunken rant, which maybe it was.

I didn't exactly share your view until the reviews for the latest season of Game of Thrones in which they could not stop talking about the "misstep" that was the "graphic rape scene." It was mentioned in just about every review. Not that Game of Thrones doesn't have a lot of interesting things to say about gender, but

If we were judging True Detective by the first 6 episodes only, I'd prefer it easily, but it really kinda nosedived at the end there. Well…that's a bit harsh, but it lost the magic that Sonia talked about.

Doesn't it depend on how involved the director is? I mean, the director could have said "I want this to be one long take" and then the cinematographer did the rest of the work. That's possible right?

I feel like if they chose "Mizumono" from Hannibal instead of the selected episode it might stand a chance simply because AV Club is obsessed with that show. Also it was a great episode.

I actually like her show. I have a slight dislike for her person because of her embarrassing Obama ad in 2012.