Bender Bukowski

Perfect stinger.

That monologue Thurman has in Pulp Fiction about playing the bride would seem to suggest it is.

You don’t know that.

The sexual assault allegations turned out to be bunk, something this series or at least this review doesn’t appear to acknowledge. The food and water had to run out eventually, and an integral part of creating a Jonestown situation is the perception there is no alternative.

And the state was right

Oh yeah - Aerys habit of messing around with Tywins wife was the cause of their separation, and GRRM wrote that before he started throwing around red herrings all over the place.

Jamie being a Targ just makes so much sense - he would be as much a patricide as Tyrion that way, the sort of cruel irony the series

It looked like that low budget “innocence of muslims” flick.

Jamie is the valonqar, I think we all know that to be inevitable.

Question is if she dies before or after the Others make it down to Kings Landing....

But mostly just the one thing.

The series is going just fine according to consensus.

Dunk and Egg is so well mapped out it might as well have been written already - and as you say, they are far more likable than the inbreeding conquerors with a less grandiose story to tell.

Can’t argue with results. 

It certainly can.

It can take a nearly a decade to write a book as well.

They’re gonna be like an hour and a half long, with more FX then ever.

Apocalypse kicked off, remember? They aren’t filming war of the Roses with the occasional CGI dragon anymore.

He told them how it ended “in broad strokes” before they even got started.

Of course he has an ending in mind, although it might have shifted over the years for one reason or another. Plans such as the Arya/Jon/Tyrion love triangle have obviously been scrapped.

Isn’t most of the filming done?

Nukes could fly tomorrow and someone would still splice something together in the editing room.

It would be interesting if they said they had been dying their hair back in the day to resemble the Targaryans.

Especially with all the hints being dropped that Jamie and Cersei were Aeryes bastard seed.

GRRM has already said that a new ASOFAI series is in development.

Presumably it would either be Aegon’s arrival following the Doom of Valaria or Dunk and Egg, which is a lot further from completion than the main series. Smart money would be on that, since the tragedy at Summerhall was suggested to have some mysterious

Nah. He’s just fucking up because they needed him to have something to do.

Being the elder statesman once the dust settles has been his arc since we first met him.

I once walked into Arnolds drive in with a honeycomb and a jackass...

Shut up baby I know it!

Franks rants? He’s been on the dole since he dropped out of college.

I suppose it might be possible that they avoided the state altogether to dodge CPS intervention - when they got taken to homes and detention a few seasons ago Lip did mention it wasn’t their “first trip to the rodeo”.