Bender Bukowski

Is that a bad thing? One of the best things about GOT is subverting those narrative tropes and changing who the audience identifies with through subtle or forceful means.

Creating empathy where there was none before is a fine trick even if it only applies to fictional characters.

The criticism of how women are presented seemed to be her biggest qualm, which I don’t consider justified in the least.

Painting in broad strokes as one must do in a pilot you had all the basic personality types represented - a respectable professional doing her best to correct her wayward son, a teenager looking to

Gang warfare is placed in the background in favor of a Shakespearean tragic narrative where good people ruin their lives carrying out misguided blood feuds, something more akin to Breaking Bad then The Wire presumably in order to be more sympathetic for mainstream audiences.

Police are equally sympathetic although the

Few did.

I’m told people associated with the show refer to it as “the bad thing”.

Probably no worse than what’s going on right now.

Has anyone been getting a whole lot of random links deleted as spam on there in the last few days? A Mike Patton video, trail maps in the Adirondacks, event page at a brewery - just random inoffensive things being rejected. This is new.

Oh, hello again.

Honestly, that would really follow the narrative that this was delusion or a publicity stunt in very bad taste. Her mother claiming to have had no knowledge but not taking action even moreso.

A public confession solicited on instagram with a coy, kittenish photograph to go along with it. The whole

He did strut around naked on Malcolm in the Middle.

Like all the time.

It is!

His brother helped communists take over Cuba, nearly started WW3 and got killed by the CIA in Bolivia a few years later.

He was very nearly inducted into the Beach Boys, so there’s that.

Nobody said anything about being perfect.

Broken and disgraced is something else altogether. It’s far too late for the original cast to be doing gymnastics, I get that. But the ending of ROTJ wasn’t supposed to lead anywhere resembling where things have gone.

Remember Ewoks?

They’re back, in Porg form.

Except that the new generation of resistance leaders had already destroyed it through arrogant hubris and general ineptitude.

Much like filmmakers expecting the audience to embrace a narrative where the original cast was broken and discarded one by one in order to accommodate inferior replacements.

Megatron and then Rhinox going batshit crazy on Beast Machines were at least as good.

I thought so when I was fifteen, anyway.

Those live episodes are a terrible strain on their wrists.

Because this website was purchased by a fanatical advocate of the curtailing of US civil liberties awhile back, and since then hordes of like minded people have infested these comment boards?

It’s not without merit.

I personally never heard of Spencer up until that incident occured and his nacent career as a demagogue appears to have been smothered in it’s cradle in large part due to that.

As was that of Cantwell, crying like a bitch on live streaming video just days after that Vice story introduced him to

Just proving a point. That right there is from 1982.

Advocacy of free speech is something mainstream America only abandons in seasons of fanaticism. The right did so in the late sixties then backtracked, and things have been fairly relaxed up until quite recently when both sides of the political spectrum have started

Not even close. 

“Protester” and “Terrorist” are more or less interchangeable already so far as the law is concerned.

And the fun hasn’t even started yet.

Not as crazy as a gaggle of millennials who have never been in a physical conflict in their adult lives talking about how they’d beat the tar out of any hypothetical white supremacist they encountered.