Bender Bukowski


Sorry, couldn’t resist. But it really is easily the greatest thing to come out of the WD franchise, and S4 in April is the only thing gamewise in 2018 i’m actually looking forward to.

Well, there is the DLC for Civilization 6 in a few weeks that promises to

Oh, wow. I have no idea.

Audio books are like a pandoras box for me. Once I start doing that I might never hear new music ever again.

Once the Nipponese got a hold of them they got melted down for a second time and were diluted. The bricks like the one Waterhouse gets out of the safe aren’t unusual in any way that could be discerned by the rudimentary tests performed.

That wiki is similarly crude although I can’t deny there are a few things there I

Not sure if it’s deception so much as a lack of reading comprehension, or a willingness to approach it by way of questionable intermediaries such as this one.

Why go though all that trouble when there’s a helpful set of cliff notes provided above, secondhand through buzzfeed?

Absolutely. I was going through it just now and while the modern day stuff is already somewhat dated the adventures of Lawrence and Bobby are the adventure I enlisted for - probably going to read it all the way through again just for that, although it’ll be a bittersweet experience.

Do you know if anyone ever actually

The extras on the DVD’s have been really overlooked.

S2 actually had the Night’s King story, which so far as I know was never mentioned in any other medium.

I was gonna say. Read through twice looking in vain for instructions on how to actually go about seeing it.

Where the one guy voiced all the characters?

Like listening to a schizophrenic ramble.

So is the Bilderberg group.

Binge drinking is on the upswing.

If we reach a stage where everyone is drunk all the time Taco Bell would presumably become the culinary hegemon.

Someone making the explicit qualification that he was being speculative on a topic but retained his supervisions nonetheless, then getting completely misrepresented by some worthless hack devising clickbait?

That would be the internet, all right.

He did!

The key caveat being that his assessment was that while these factors did suggest that men had a greater tendency toward having an affinity toward applied sciences, it in no way meant that women couldn’t as well or have equal talent and ability. This is stated with decisive clarity, something lost on those

About a third of the way through he does this whole John Galt thing and scandalizes a comfortable dinner party.

Read it a long time ago but as I recall the contents were something of a real politic cold water sort of thing. The book is over a thousand pages of dense text but now that i’m thinking about it I do want to

dangerous for people, but also more dangerous for women

It’s been one fucking day.

Have a little patience.


Right before the Oprah headline shows up in the final scene, professional sports players were depicted using their celebrity to protest social injustice.

Which was equally absurd and unthinkable at the time.

Also: you people couldn’t find a clip or even an image of the actual scene being discussed, just post the one


Alex Jones, actually.

That would have failed to weed out Damore.