Bender Bukowski

If they followed all the way through we would have seen Ricci burn to death in a straitjacket and rubber diaper, you certainly couldn’t say that’s boring.

In Alan Moore’s Providence there is an Exit Garden/Lethal Chamber on the North East end of Bryant Park.

Turns out it’s actually a maintenance shed. Or at least it sure does look like one....

Ask them nicely not to ejaculate on the computers or cover the restroom walls with their feces, do your best to identify those who fail to comply?

So how does she feel about underage gangbang scenes?

What on earth is that even meant to signify?

You do realize he isn’t in the room, yes?

“Devoted base of exclusively Twitter users”

His rallies were standing room only with people standing outside listening on speakers. Aside from officially sanctioned events HRC drew hundreds, and at his solo events Kaine pulled in dozens.

Everyone knew which candidate had the momentium, but the DNC was arrogant enough to

LOL @ Bernie Bros.

Absolutely nobody aside from the tiny contingent of enthusiastic Clinton supporters every bought into that silly narrative.

There were plenty of them on here last year though post-Saban, all of them insisting they weren’t part of the CTR initiative. I would have like to have seen them in the last

Wow, you must be new here.

After Saban bought this site it was a HRC campaign propaganda outlet for the duration of 2016, where anyone whom disparaged her was pounced on by legions of “supporters” all of whom insisted they were in no way shape or form affiliated with the multimillion dollar CTR online initiative.


Like maybe two or three episodes aired after the election which were almost entirely completed beforehand.

And you won’t find a single progessive champion elected to public office who didn’t have any number of stated beliefs you’d consider abhorrent.

Left 4 Dead randomly chose your character on multiplayer after you died and respawned. The black guy “Louis” looked a lot like Obama, and it was a running joke that people tended to immediately off themselves when they saw they were him.

Did Tara Strong really let herself go that much?

If you’re looking for justice, you’ve come to the wrong place.

Way back when this originally aired - pre-disqus - there was this guy who posted with Roy as his avatar who had personal issues with a coworker of his former spouse who cuckolded him.

If it was a gimmick account he was certainly devoted, went on for years.

Wow, really?

Full disclosure - I had a finger partially amputated early last month, and spent about a week high on painkillers just trolling the hell out of everyone on here. Made an impassioned defense of the alt-right in the week following Charlottesville just to upset people - you might be the only regular I

Two days ago I was hiking in the Catskills and my flashlight stopped working at dusk, when I was less than a mile but about 2000 vertical feet away from my car.

When I finally got there many hours later I smashed it into pieces and it was as you say, wonderful.

We like to keep our dreams small, don’t we?

Celebrity! Sex! Fashion!

She called into Tommy Sotomayors podcast this one time and it turned out she was actually driving to his house like a teenage in heat while on a bluetooth. When she arrived he was momentarily surprised then abruptly went off the air.

I imagine it must have looked like a French poodle getting torn up by a black mastiff.

Wait, what?
So far as I know most of that bitching was being done by myself, with everyone else sharpening their pitchforks.