Bender Bukowski

A furious Arya kills Sansa, Littlefinger assumes control with the Vale armies.

Cersei certainly meant it when she said she would never let him touch her

*Thoros kicks open the coffin he was in for some reason and starts shooting a crossbow*

Westros isn't that gullible. Nobody bought that story about a Targaryan prince who just needed a little bit of capital to get the rest of his fortune out of escrow.

I was really astounded Dinklage was willing to say that "I didn't ask to be born this way" line.

Or touches them without her permission!

Near as I can tell they happened completely independently of each other.

So people on this thread read books right? Because this isn't even a little bit Game of Thrones related but I wanted to be the one to break the news.

Oh shut the fuck up.

You're more dragon than woman!

Well, thank you for your time.

Yeah, George Takei got to talk trash about FDR in his own house a few months ago. It's a brave new world.

Yakkity Sax is perennial.

I'm sure you'll have a wealth of inoffensive explanations to offer as those functions are compromised in the years to come.

One of their best skits, easily.

"Bad Blood" was released years ago.

So a SWAT team can be assembled rapidly, therefor a protest that unexpectedly drew thousands of participants in a small city in VA should have been dealt with in equally swift fashion.

There was plenty of human damage going around sacrosanct from denomination, from what I understand.

I know facebook links are bad manners around here, but this one picture explains the entire situation in a nutshell.

Fucking infrastructures, how do they work?