Bender Bukowski

But wasn't it such a SHOCKER that he killed his mom?

They all had their moments. Even Absolution did that brilliant exploration of a red state company town, and the meat king level of Contracts was one of their best.

There were a few times you had to wonder if the agency was being honest with you.

There's an amazing true crime book that just got released about Americas first Italian police officer, a little bald guy who terrorized the nascent mafia by infiltrating it using a variety of disguises with the blessing of his good friend and benefactor President Theodore Roosevelt.

Remember the massacre at Beldingford Manor?

Eh. Certainly better than Absolution, I don't think it quite reached the peaks of Silent Assassin or Blood Money.

Jones has his own platform.

Lost in thought?

HMM would likely pounce on any involvement he had with her casework as a violation of his probation.

Looking into it, there are only theories and nothing determinate.

Don't you know the prime rates going up…up…up…up….UUUPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!

Some of the best material to come out of the 70's.

Self driving vehicles can only do so much regardless.

So many great stories about her in his biography.

She was "Angie" was she not?

Heroin gave us Exile on Main Street and to some degree everything that followed. Don't slander it by comparing it to Yoko.

We shall find out next week - according to the preview he makes an apologetic visit to Chuck after seeing Kim in the hospital. He's based his adult life desperately seeking the approval of the both of them, and why else would he come crawling back to the one he destroyed unless the other decisively rejected him? And

There's barely even 325 million of us, American's are practically an endangered species.

I think they call the series "Better Call Saul" because when Jimmy changes his name he's going to use that as his slogan.

His speculation regarding Sandy Hook was in poor taste obviously which is why he's backtracked on it, but as for the rest?