
Dance, you stupid fucking dinosaur! Dance!

I’ll always remember Jen P. Run you stupid fucking Dinosaur! Run!

My earliest memory is the fall of the Soviet Union. Every channel (all 4) had news reports on 24/7. I guess I was 7 or 8 at the time. Don’t remember Challenger, if I had even watched it. That would have been hard to forget with my mom being a teacher and all.

Then I asked her again and she said “I’m sworn to secrecy but lets just say he’s quite a singer.” Which is getting a little abstract.

I asked Siri that and she said “Lets just say there is some fire in this snow.” Which is cute.

Hehehe....Harry Peak.

My God, that’s a punchable face,

Mohammed Atta had a rough morning at Logan a few years ago too.


Princeton. So...yeah.

What kind of stupid fuck name is Dabo?

Thats Bill Clement.

Oh god I was wrong. They’re only 7.5 inches. Why momma why?

9 inches. I guess my mom was right when you said I had carny hands. :(

Because its headquartered in another state. Foreign, in this case, means another state.

Well...not anymore.

Ooooh, the Isle of Man. Is that like whore island for woman?