
Your friends obviously dont have GB...Photosync is a standard and so is cloud backup for everything up to you WiFi passwords.

Gonna start a flame war, so suit up...

I think your $2.00 coinds should be called Doubloonies...with a pirate loon on it.

Sorta...they are still physical connections that can be pretty tight. I havent seen a lot of use in them, as the USB usually pulls out before the breakaway section...

I never understood how they decide on who gets what service...In my area, Verizon is not sold, AT&T is still 2G/GPRS depends on where you are), and Sprint has EvDo Rev A.

According to the latest test stats, Sprints LTE network tops out at about 90-95 Mb...That is really f'ing fast.

If you are talking GSM on EDGE, yes. EVDO tops out 2Mb and GSM HSPA tops at about 14Mb...Looks like you are not correct in your interpretation of 3G standards.

In the event, they basically said that their new cell stations will be card updated to LTE, so it will, will literally, be a swap out upgrade. Hence they can expand their curretn WiMax network, without extra cost of building two sites. When they want the tower to move LTE, they flip the switch and go.

...That is a CDMA issue, not a backbone issue. The speeds are much lower than GSM. This network rollout is the answer to your problem.

Sprint just said "Bring it, don't sing it" to Verizon and AT&T, dropped the mic and walked off stage. Something tells me Sprint is up for a big year...

I believe them...BGR was dead on with the Sprint Exclusive iPhone 5 with 4.0" screen, Wi-Max and super awesome built in.

First, iTunes made iPods, not the other way around, which is important. People arent locked into an iPod if they want legal music. The price is no longer needed to enter the iTunes market.

It falls in with the "rapidshare" line...The majority of the risk comes to the hosting provider and the initial uploader.

Usenet is nigh untraceable and isnt "p2p". You arent sharing anything, only the uploader is. It is still illegal, but the end user is not a "pirate" but more of a petty thief.

I like the tube for cables idea...will definitely do this.

I was on the prototype, with all the testing equipment, and that was magical...I am sure the normal seats will contain "magical lack of leg room, a hard bump about halfway up your back and a fat person next to you with sleep apnea.". works fine, too, if videos are your think in the UI interface. I also agree with you on the enhancement front, as even my very non techie wife was wondering what took them so long to make a system that is easy to use.

I think you miss the point...They can use this rocket to send parts to the moon, ISS, wherever. If there is going to be a true spaceship capable of getting to Mars, it will, most likely, need to be launched in pieces and assembled, in a modular fashion, in space...just like the ISS.

2 in a row Jesus...Good article, again. This type of info is the type of article that made Gizmodo great. Short, informative and science/tech based.