
Let’s see. Husband was seriously injured in a car accident. You’ve been at the hospital with him, probably for a long period of time. You’re heading out, and just want to go home and sleep. And some asshat sticks a microphone in your face.

It just sounds like she’s a woman, married to a mega-celebrity, who’s normally tired of having to talk to fucking TMZ every time she’s in public, but especially so since her husband just almost fucking died. But nah, probably just some female-on-female jealousy.

I don’t see any good news here. They got robbed, didn’t get any support from Valve and were forced to put their game for free. Now, somehow they need to convince people to pay for it, when they didn’t had a microtransaction process planned in the first place.

We all know what the real reason was...

Trying to hide...

I heard they have some design flaws.

Ok, I give up, why did the space whale breathe?

Bingo. When you’re written out of history books, your story has to get dug up and told by other means. That’s why Stuff You Missed in History Class features so many women (enough so that certain audience members actually complained about it).

On the positive side, I suppose it’s a testament to the inspiring influence art, media and popular culture can have, if they are channeled towards celebrating things that deserve to be celebrated. Entertainment doesn’t have to be JUST entertaining: it can be enlightening and inspiring as well

It’s not really about being “under the microscope” as opposed to just being thoughtful and responsible with the decisions that they make. People don’t sit around waiting to scrutinize stuff like this because they want to be disappointed.

I could not agree with you more. He was awesome in that show. Had it not been cancelled, we would be talking about him being up for an Emmy. Just like James Spader, in the Blacklist.

Snipes just has an amazing level of charisma. God, he should do a film opposite the Rock. It would be action-packed and charming.

Now playing

“Now, the acting in Bangarang isn’t that great”

“And once we get it done, and then we can have the chance to really explain it.”

Leia didn’t give them Yavin 4. The tracer on the Falcon after it escaped from the Death Star gave the Empire the location of Yavin 4.

Oh for pete’s sake, did you even watch the trailer? Mon Mothma tells her aide to give them the coordinates to Dantooine.

Considering they were already based on Yavin during the events of Rogue One, and her capture and subsequent interrogation came shortly after the battle of Scariff, it’s safe to assume they had already moved on from Dantooine and that she was aware.

This article. It’s the bee’s knees.