
My question is how Twitch is fine with people playing Street Fighter and the developers sexualizing those characters but NOT okay with a real-life woman wearing the same thing?

Is it because one is the gaze and discretion of men and the other is a woman making choices idk idk idk

Sign for a kid, he sells it on ebay once.  Dunk on a kid, he has a bar story for life.

Which would you really rather have when you grow up?

They want segregation in every way except black people’s money going to other black people.

It’s not irrelevant from an academic standpoint. Famously good sports teams, particularly basketball and football, which as we’ve seen are predominantly black, even at schools where black students make up 2.4% of the population, are a draw for students of all kinds. And drawing more students means more tuition and

Because she’s an indignation-based life form?

I don’t get your point. Because much/most of the revenue generated by big-time athletic programs is plowed back into athletics, it somehow wouldn’t be worth it for HBCUs to get that money?

First, fuck yeah, go Pats. Second, why does Laura Ingraham feel like she needs to involve herself in this issue at all?

Having never been touched like that by a woman before, it was all he could do to prematurely eject her.

Let’s see. Husband was seriously injured in a car accident. You’ve been at the hospital with him, probably for a long period of time. You’re heading out, and just want to go home and sleep. And some asshat sticks a microphone in your face.

It just sounds like she’s a woman, married to a mega-celebrity, who’s normally tired of having to talk to fucking TMZ every time she’s in public, but especially so since her husband just almost fucking died. But nah, probably just some female-on-female jealousy.

I don’t see any good news here. They got robbed, didn’t get any support from Valve and were forced to put their game for free. Now, somehow they need to convince people to pay for it, when they didn’t had a microtransaction process planned in the first place.

Bingo. When you’re written out of history books, your story has to get dug up and told by other means. That’s why Stuff You Missed in History Class features so many women (enough so that certain audience members actually complained about it).

On the positive side, I suppose it’s a testament to the inspiring influence art, media and popular culture can have, if they are channeled towards celebrating things that deserve to be celebrated. Entertainment doesn’t have to be JUST entertaining: it can be enlightening and inspiring as well

“And once we get it done, and then we can have the chance to really explain it.”

The victims or yours?

Yeah it would be awesome but will not happen, for the same reason that you can’t play Amazon Prime videos on your Chromecast, or even buy a Chromecast device on Amazon. It’s not just a matter of Google opening up to Amazon, it’s a question of both sides sitting down and deciding to end the ecosystem wars.