
My bidet (Brondell) has a sanitizing function where it moves in and out while trickling water to clean. I spray that with cleaning solution while its doing its thing and wipe it down. You can also push two buttons to easily remove the top and wipe under it, get to the rim/bowl easier, etc

My bidet (Brondell) has a sanitizing function where it moves in and out while trickling water to clean. I spray that

If I don’t forget my phone, I use the dryer function while reading and then toilet paper to dry off. Otherwise, its one flushable wipe for excess water/debris and then a piece of toilet paper to dry off.

Once you use a good bidet you don’t want to go back to the old way. Its not really about saving paper, its more

If I don’t forget my phone, I use the dryer function while reading and then toilet paper to dry off. Otherwise, its

I use one wet flushable wipe to ensure there isn’t any residual crap and to wipe excess water away. Then I use a very small amount of toilet paper to dry off.

I use one wet flushable wipe to ensure there isn’t any residual crap and to wipe excess water away. Then I use a

I use one wet flushable wipe to ensure there isn’t any residual crap and to wipe excess water away. Then I use a very small amount of toilet paper to dry off.

I use one wet flushable wipe to ensure there isn’t any residual crap and to wipe excess water away. Then I use a

This guy has had so many jobs on this show... 

It could. Meanwhile, how does he eat? Feels bad. 

<——— Has had to go out and pick his own switch :'(

Awesome line referencing her past. Had me giddy that she mentioned it, but then her skin turned that crazy pink color. WTF is that about?