
I think the fact that many people are saying similar things to what I said, and you don't seem to get how any of them relate, means you said some things you didn't mean to. But for the record:

If you are sober and you don't say no, that is implied consent, especially when you were already in a sex act. If she said no and he went ahead, sexual assault or rape. But regretting your own decisions does not rape constitute. I don't know if that is the situation here, but if I were in his shoes, and some girl that

Said it better than I could have. I was actually thinking this might be an interesting article, and while the basic tenants do create an interesting discussion, there are 2 things in play here. 1) The frame story has only the basest relation to the discussion on consent that the author is trying to start, and 2) this

I am so with you on Double Dash. My buddy had a Cube, and I went over there every day for like 2 straight months to play that game. so much fun

Definitely side with the bat shit crazy christians then

BeatleHater right here

I had read this article a while ago, and this weekend, we went out to a rave with a fifth of vodka infused with Plantation Mint tea, which is black tea and spearmint. Mixed it with Cranberry Red Bull, a little bit of plain cranberry juice, and a little fresh lime. Perfect party drink.

It is too easy to be snarky about this whole thing. I'm glad someone can be optimistic about this.

I feel dirty for having gone and looked.

good call

Shades of Rez

So, is this cat like Paris Hilton? Famous because people tell me so?

Eminem a better range than Justin Bieber?

An unintended benefit of cans...having done a lot of hiking, I can tell you that most of the beer litter I see are bottles. Reason being (and I know this from some of the scummier people I have known) is that the bottles are heavy, so while its not a big deal to bring the bottles out into nature (still being full of

Green chile vodka is delish. course, you'll have to come to NM to get the good stuff (no friggin Anaheims here, Hatch puro!)

ok, replying to both of you....Georgia O'Keefe painted in Ghost Ranch, which is up by Abique and Taos, which is way closer to Santa Fe.

Where she lives: Albuquerque, New Mexico, the hot air balloon capital of the world

It's still there :)

woah. didnt even catch that. wtf?

Dude, we were making enchiladas before the rest of the country knew they existed. And seriously? NM has sopapillas, and you drag out enchiladas? What is wrong with you?