I was hoping someone had already pointed this out.
I was hoping someone had already pointed this out.
It goes with everything!
eh....too late for that.
Reading this brought me back to when i was a kid, and my mom used to whip up one of these fairly often. I suggested to my girlfriend that I could make one new mex style, and she got this really grossed out look on her face. When I asked her why, she said it was because "eggs are breakfast food, and pie crusts are…
I would recommend staying away from the super processed peanut butters (think jif, peter pan, etc) in favor of peanut butters that are pretty much peanuts and salt. of course if you want, making your own peanut butter is ridiculously easy. just need a food processor, a little peanut oil, peanuts, salt, and if you're a…
I think there is another one. I don't know if this really counts, but I am thinking about it because I am about to go work for about 10-12 hours for free. I am volunteering at a concert, and, in return, I get to see the concert for free. You may argue that this still counts as getting paid, but since it is less than a…
why the hell is she topless?
another +1. you sir are one withit dude. bill o'rights is one of the few things in this country holding back tyranny, but for it to mean anything it (they, the amendments) have to be applied equally.
27. Where were you during the nineties? sucking your mommas tit?
agreed. but for now, it is the preferred term.
or if not, at least connect him to a Community bubble.
Green Chile is really good too, but dont buy the canned stuff. If you are lucky enough to live in or near New Mexico, you already know this. If you aren't lucky enough to know what I'm talking about, come down and find out.
I think I may have just become a fan of Canadian Rules Football.
As a corollary, I wish to point out this song has been around for almost a year. The videos are unconnected to the song except by chance.
THANK YOU! someone who knows their music.
Not dubstep, not even close to dubstep, stop friggin calling all EDM dubstep. Then feel free to talk. Oh, and shut up, all you are doing is acting all snide and pretentious. Seriously, shut your face.
Of course people hunt with semi-autos. Way more efficient than bolt, pump, or lever action. the .223 that he had was a hunting rifle. And while we are on the subject, I know a guy who hunts with an AK-47 and swears its the best rifle he ever used.
http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/china/2012-12/14/c_132041044.htm 22 people killed with a knife in china
My point was that we have a problem bigger than guns. Guns are a tool, and this guy could have used anything to kill these kids. But we have a higher murder rate than just about anywhere, and it is not all guns. it is the culture. gun control is a fucking farce, and to immediately turn to it as a solution disregards…