Ben Adelson


Why bother with clothing Kim? Just be naked already and have sex in public.



BK used to be good back in the day. Something happened to their burger meat quality.

I still think the best sauce is McD's hot mustard. But I like the rest of that order.

Terrible, or as Charles Barkley would say, "turrible"

I was raised on quality back in the day, story telling, and athleticism that was so well woven into matches that they didn't appear nearly as scripted to rag doll tossed mechanics as we see today. It's a different product.

Sports entertainment has to be entertaining. This is just spectacle nowadays that is an echo of the golden era and the attitude era.

WWE is a joke now. Match quality is poor and overly scripted and the booking is atrocious. The performers are talented but they've lost the magic that made them.

Yes. Why?

Matt Damon.

I think so.

I think so.

It should be Elba.

An Edgar suit


She's a nasty foul vile being.

I think then that's a uniquely dystopian future then to posit that if that's the case but I'm not sure it is explicit.

Let's see some Jewish and Hindu and Muslim characters too.