Ben Adelson

You win the internet today.

Shep Smith really.

If that was the standard there wouldn't be anyone left there.

She has a Padawan braid, which would be proof she was accepted by Luke to train her.

If that's what they want to turn the property into.

True but the presidency is an office and I don't think that superheroes and their biographies are offices, no?

I think we need a lot more inclusive characters. But I'm torn that the only way is to piggy back onto heretofore white characters. Why not create new characters? It inherently posits that the white character archetype is the paragon.

Solid show. Farewell.

Go go Twitter Warriors!!

Great run.

Unbelievable - so many twists.

Rich people.


I don't think Julliette switched sides. How is that possible??

Totally agree

Convenient way to cut costs it seems.

Convenient way to cut costs it seems.

Convenient way to cut costs it seems.