What. A. Loser. If I am writing SNL I would do the hulk hands thing as was suggested for the next four years as the running background gag. It will infuriate him to no end.
What. A. Loser. If I am writing SNL I would do the hulk hands thing as was suggested for the next four years as the running background gag. It will infuriate him to no end.
You can imagine all the gratuitous up shots Bay will add in of whomever he gets to play Melania and Ivanka. Bay and Trump are pigs in a pod.
Great story.
They should say that every one comes with a discount on your next heart cath.
Last principled, if still imperfect, president we are likely to see. It's the likes of Trump, Kanye and other moronic reality TV dolts from here on out until we get Brawndo and President Camacho.
2016 sucks.
Trump is less Voldemort and more Vader (the Hayden Christensen whiny version) but Bannon is absolutely the Emperor. Robert Spencer is General Hux and Gingrich is Moff Tarkin.
So that's it. That's how we end.
Except I think Delos and Ford aren't quite in opposition as it may seem on first blush.
This is remake the world crazy. If they replace Theresa, then it suggests Delos' real motivation behind WW.
We miss you Eazy.
WWE is a joke. It's sad what their product has become.
The game is unlocking the sentience of the hosts.
Nope. Whole lotta nope.
WWE is laughable today.
This show jumped the shark.
Perhaps so. That would make sense. The park is a stage. Ford even referenced it in The Stray when there were the flashbacks to when they were working on the hosts and engaging in "sheer creation". Now, they're engaging people and refining the hosts for the ulterior purpose that isn't what the park is meant to…
What about Dodge or Chevy?
The hosts are intended to become repositories for real people. Why else call them 'hosts'? This is the next stage of human evolution, whereby death is even reversible as Ford discussed. because people will be able to 'live on' in this form.