They were moving in that direction with Taken King. If you were over-leveled, you’d recieve a slight buff, and if you were under-leveled, you’d suffer a slight debuff. But your light level did not directly dictate your damage or hp.
They were moving in that direction with Taken King. If you were over-leveled, you’d recieve a slight buff, and if you were under-leveled, you’d suffer a slight debuff. But your light level did not directly dictate your damage or hp.
“Procedural” in this case is being used in a different way than people are thinking - the correct way. It means the artists had tools to paint the world in broad brush strokes and then selectively go in and define things that needed to be more precise. The algorithms filled in details around the hand crafted stuff.…
I like this approach better than the MMO approach. The new content will make all the old gear and missions obsolete anyway, so a fresh start at least lets them make tweaks to the core systems as well and truly give a fresh experience, not just more grinding.
It’s very confounding considering how high the production values are everywhere else in the game. The weapons, the armor, the environments are all beautifully detailed and polished. I’d be interested in what the animators have to say about the project as a lot of stuff seems first pass or placeholder, like they just…
I’m seeing all the downsides, they just don’t really matter that much. Yeah the UI isn’t great. Yeah the animation is bad. But if I didn’t like a game, good UI and good animation wouldn’t make me enjoy it more. So why should it be the other way around? I’m having a lot of fun. It feels good to play, and the agility…
The original game was meant to be a Ray Harryhausen tribute so it kinda makes sense that they’d try making more of a Clash of the Titans-type setting for the second game. I wonder if that’s also why it was never released, though. Maybe the publisher got cold feet about such a radical departure from the first game. The…
Everyone planning on spending $29.99 for this update, please send directly to my paypal account and I will activate the download for you. You will recieve an e-mail, from me, to confirm that you have access.
It’s like if you took Monster Hunter’s monsters with their weak-points and attack patterns and put them in an open-world Tomb Raider.
I agree with what you’re saying but I’d argue the “actual game” WAS the nemesis system. The weird clunky movement and combat was just the means by which you experienced it. Late into the night I wasn’t thinking about the combat or movement system at all, I was thinking about how that stupid Orc captain just got…
I am not all that familiar with Japanese superheroes but I always had the impression that the Power Rangers/Super Sentai are visually somewhat generic. It’s a team of heroes with color-coded suits and helmets. That seems like the sort of core trope of a japanese superhero team.
I really enjoyed the game, and felt like it was a fitting final chapter to the series. The thing that I didn’t like about it, though, was that the underlying philosophy guiding all its design choices was additive, not iterative.
I’m glad we have people like you to bring us all back down to reality when people face a very real fear that many of their friends and coworkers could be plucked away at a moment’s notice for no reason other than the violent mood swings of an infantile hobbyist politician.
You might have a point if immigrants weren’t already subjected to some of the most extreme vetting in the world when they want to come to America. It’s not like we had completely open borders. He just took something that was probably even more extreme than it had to be, and pushed it over the top from there, for very…
They’re like the only publisher putting lots of resources and time into movie tie-in games. Mostly it’s just mobile games these days. Both Shadow of Mordor and Mad Max were good games with interesting ideas in their own right.
Sarcasm is also not a good way to motivate your kid.
Pro Tip: This is not a good way to motivate your kid.
Blizzard literally invented angel wings.
Your argument seems to be that the characters shouldn’t be very visually unique because that would get in the way of their personality. So how would you describe Genji’s unique and appealing personality?
See, you’re saying “they’re drawn well” but agreeing with me that they’re very 2-dimensional stereotypes. I’m not arguing that Blizzard’s artists are bad at their job; they are some of the best in the industry. I’m just saying that with one or two exceptions, Overwatch’s characters are not that interesting. They’re…
I don’t think you can shift the blame to internet culture when his own V.O. growls out things like “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”
There is nothing unique or new about this interpretation of the character. It’s just Death from Darksiders, who was a cliche already. You might think he looks fine aesthetically…