I don’t agree at all... Overwatch just plays it really safe for the most part and sticks with time-tested archetypes. They have a couple of winners like Tracer and Winston and they really carry a cast of much more generic heroes.
I don’t agree at all... Overwatch just plays it really safe for the most part and sticks with time-tested archetypes. They have a couple of winners like Tracer and Winston and they really carry a cast of much more generic heroes.
I have an idea for a character. It’s a big tough lady. But here’s the catch: she’s from eastern europe!
My framerate has nearly tripled since launch.
You need a good head of hubris built up first, that’s the trick.
I feel like the actual plot was kind of glossed over. I know I saw it but for the life of me I couldn’t tell you what they were trying to track down or who was after them.
Of course I wasn’t expecting to see Battleborn in there but it still hurts, dammit. It still hurts.
For dungeon runs it is really not demanding on your time at all. For questing it’s... wierd, because most of what you’re doing is just going from one end of the world to the other talking to people, which the occasional battle thrown in. The result is that the story isn’t difficult but it is incredibly demanding on…
I think the prog-rock album cover sort of look is very obvious. You could take any random screenshot of this game and put it on the cover to a Psygnosis game. You may hate it, which is fine. It’s certainly unorthodox for a AAA mainstream game, but it’s definitely not accidental.
This one takes place in a dark future where explosions and american flags aren’t allowed and there is no baseball. It is called Canada.
They’re going for an 80's prog rock Roger Dean kind of thing, which I can get behind. I just don’t like how every single female character has the same silhouette.
Allegedly the movie was originally going to be cutscenes in the game but they cut them out because they were afraid they were front-loading too much story, so you’re probably right. For what it’s worth I think it’s a far better side to err on. XIII was insufferable, the plot droned on like a tired old math teacher…
horse therefore horse
Dishonored 2 is definitely improved in this regard; many of the skills have double uses for both increased stealth/mobility AND combat. For example you can use Emily’s distant reach ability to stealthily swoop around the map OR you can use it to pull guards in for a takedown. So far every skill I’ve unlocked has a…
I feel like some people are pushing back on this but I agree with you. What makes me interested in playing as a monster is making something that seemed morally black and white more ambiguous. Is the monster conflicted about killing? Does the game present you with choices to kill or spare people? Does it force you to…
I really like the modernist geometric stylings of the old Sega Genesis games more than the real-world locations in the newer games... Sonic looks so out of place when he’s not standing on checkerboard ground surrounded by needle-sharp flowers and palm trees.
In my opinion anyone who enjoyed Portal, Mirror’s Edge or Vanquish really owes it to themselves to check out this campaign.
The roles of each Titan are much more specialized than they were in the last game. It’s not as restricted as, say, Overwatch, but they feel a bit more like “heroes” with distinct personalities and strategies rather than a chassis on which to hang various weapons. I didn’t think I would like the change but as soon as I…
Who knows how complete those designs were? Maybe it was only enough for a TED Talk.
Normal person: “oh I guess they cut some features that I really cared about. I’m not interested in purchasing this game anymore. What’s on Netflix?”