
The assets during gameplay could be of the exact same fidelity, the tricky part is that filmmakers use perspective, positioning and lighting to meticulously control what you see and place things perfectly in the frame. Props can be moved around and lights added or removed, all just to capture a single image in the

Definitely one of the unexpected gaming highlights of 2019 for me.

No, this is on the Resident Evil end of “survival”. Your bullets and healing items are limited and must be carefully managed, and you can be crippled by harmful status effects, but there is no hunger or thirst mechanic or anything like that.

I thought Insomniac owns the rights to Sunset Overdrive and Microsoft just published? If that’s the case they could legally do a sequel but only if Sony is interested.

There is probably some kind of pun in Japanese where the word of “magician” sounds similar to “bad at climbing”.

Yes, it sold like hotcakes. But in addition to that, the team that makes the game is very small and agile, and they probably don’t have a lot of administrative employees, so their monthly burn rate is peanuts compared to a AAA studio making something like Anthem or Call of Duty.

I still have a lot of good will towards this game. I haven’t touched it since I finished the story, but I thoroughly enjoyed my time being Iron Man on Pandora and I would love an excuse to come back.

FFXIV seriously has one of the most wholesome communities you will find anywhere in gaming. In years of playing with pick-up groups I’ve only seen genuine negativity maybe once or twice. I’ve gotten unsolicited feedback while playing as a tank or healer but it was always constructive and friendly, never toxic. People

The way he walks up those wobbly block stairs got me laughing like an idiot.

In a perfect world I’d love to make my own Jedi but I’ll take a good-natured reluctant hero over a trash-talking sarcastic asshole, which is what I was expecting.

I think it also is important to point out that 90% of the time, projects like this are for educational purposes for the developers involved to hone their skills and net jobs, or they’re doing it for fun. These kinds of projects are always more about the journey than the final product.

This game already existed, it was called Starhawk, it was awesome, and nobody played it.

Cross-save might bridge the gap at least. The tricky thing is that Destiny is a FPS with a high level of mobility and fast movement, so the difference in experience between gamepad and mouse/keyboard will be exacerbated even compared to other shooters.

IMO Destiny isn’t really about reaching max light; it doesn’t really *do* anything, it’s just a carrot to chase. I think it’s more enjoyable to not stress out about light level too much and just experiment to find a loadout that you like and have fun with it. I’ve been playing since Destiny 1 launched and I’ve never

Normally I get kind of annoyed with “fan does it better than hollywood!” type articles but in this case, he really just took the original Sonic design and proved that it only needed some minor changes to be hollywood-ready, not the extensive redesign that the filmmakers felt they needed to do.

Sega had already

I don’t think it’s unjustified, just misdirected. The Time Towers ARE really frustrating right now. Injustice 2 managed to use these combat variables in ways that were fun, unpredictable and sometimes hilarious. But MK11's variables are almost always cheap and frustrating.

SSDs seem to be pretty durable these days, but assuming one gets an abnormal amount of wear and tear and won’t last the entire console’s lifespan, hard drives are a trivial component to replace on PS4. Everything is backed up in cloud memory automatically and you literally just pop one out and plug another one in. The

It’s actually been the opposite for me; New York in the dead of winter is the last place I want to spend any extended period of time.

I liked Anthem enough to finish the story but there’s really no end game to speak of so I’ve moved on to other things. I’ll be sliding back into my Javelin for the next major update for sure, but until then there’s not much reason to play.

There’s a recurring theme in Miyazaki’s films where conflict isn’t usually born out of war between “good and evil” but between selfish motivations of flawed individuals, ignorance, or inaction. This is even true in films he’s made for small children, so it’s clearly something he wants to project forward in the stories