
I’ll admit I’ll tap the surrender if we’re only losing by a little bit, IF my team appears to only be interested in skirmishing and not actually playing the objectives. Although the other day I did have two of my teammates try to surrender while we were winning. I don’t even understand why the game gives you that

I’ve seen a few people say that and I don’t really feel that to be the case. It is pretty focused on 3 multiplayer modes which are all fun and built around variations on the same mechanics.

I really, *really* like this game. It’s the only MOBA I have ever enjoyed playing.

“I can’t wait for the day when people can have an opinion like this and not be forced to apologize.”

This needs to be put in a textbook and issued in a “how to apologize” class. Because that’s how you do it.

To be fair they did the same thing with the Greek myths/culture, they just used the setting as an excuse for killin’ some big uglies. Getting even the slightest bit of emotional resonance from this series feels like a pretty big win.

I’d actually be super surprised if Kratos Jr isn’t the star of this game. This all looks like it’s some kind of prologue.

I was never really into the God of War games, they were always a bit too juvenile. The combination of Norse mythology (which I personally prefer over Greek mythology) and what looks to be a more emotionally sophisticated narrative, have got me interested.

Can we take a moment to talk about how damn *classy* the Sony presentation was? Suits and ties, a live orchestral soundtrack, and they pretty much let the game footage do all the talking. It even carried over to their games, with a very clear and focused effort to show sophisticated narrative and characters in most of

She can be the idealistic hero who doesn’t understand why things have to be this way!

I don’t understand this mindset. We all knew what was included in the base game when we bought it. We all knew exactly what that $60 was going to get. If you read the reviews, knew about how much content was in Year 1 Destiny, and you bought it anyway, that’s not a con. That’s you making an educated premeditated

Suits me just fine, we need more Saints Row.

There’s been a lot of talk lately about how the “Uncanny Valley” doesn’t just apply to visuals and art, but also to story and gameplay.

I played the PS4 demo last night and maybe I’ve got my nostalgia goggles on but after almost 10 years this game still feels brand new and graphically unsurpassed. I could never have guessed how well this art aged and I find myself just constantly gawking.

Just rename it to “Bastian Play of the Game”, problem solved.

Well if they waited any longer there wouldn’t be anyone left to lay off. Gameloft has been doing a smashing job at that themselves. Probably close to half the worldwide company has been laid off since 2015.

Happy to see Battleborn get some love, it’s a great game that just gets better and more interesting the more you play it.

This chapter of this game, right here, is what’s called “nailing the landing.”

This is inherently a problem with short-form storytelling, which is what a film is supposed to be. Fantasy and film don’t make great bedfellows because it’s so easy to get bogged down in lore and exposition.

I’d probably be more interested in the game if there were more characters like Bastion, who require you to slow down and carefully consider your approach, and cause significant wrinkles in the other team’s strategy.