Nah, Camilla Luddington is awesome, she has basically become Lara Croft in my mind the same way David Hayter became Solid Snake, and I’d be super disappointed if she’s replaced by another actress.
Nah, Camilla Luddington is awesome, she has basically become Lara Croft in my mind the same way David Hayter became Solid Snake, and I’d be super disappointed if she’s replaced by another actress.
I would argue that it wasn’t the frequency of releases, but the fact that features weren’t really being polished or improved.
I really liked Revelations 2! Especially raid mode.
I’d be really interested in this one if it has some of those raid mode features expanded into a full game. Unfortunately it doesn’t look like there is much customization or crazy video game-y stuff like fire/ice weapons, etc.
The game was, honestly, getting a lot of criticism for fans who were hoping for something much bigger than I think Capcom had planned. People wanted female playable characters, customizable characters, etc. and weren’t too thrilled about the Assassin’s Creed-style VR storyline.
I really loved that about Inquisition as well; it handled adult subjects like religion and sexuality with real care and sensitivity, but did so in a way that made the characters more empathetic and thus increased my investment in the drama. But it never felt like the writers were tiptoing around sensitive subjects -…
Also, EVERYONE shoots from the hip. Even Stormtroopers.
Advent Children doesn’t cast a particularly cheery forecast for humanity. The human population is down to one city and its residents are dying of disease.
haven’t played either, so I wouldn’t know.
I didn’t want the original version updated. I’ve played the original version like five times from start to finish. If I’m going to go back and play it again it’s gonna have to do something new, not just be a prettier version.
It’s honestly one of the better Final Fantasy games, MMO or not.
I would be totally okay with no world map if the specific locations from the original game are expanded into large open areas for exploration and sidequests.
If you’re trying to convince me not to be excited about a series of 10 full-size games set in the FF7 world, I’m afraid you’re having the opposite effect.
Just don’t buy a season pass. You don’t know what’s in it, you don’t know if you’ll be playing the game months later, and you don’t need it to enjoy the content that’s available now. I can’t imagine why anyone who is even remotely skeptical about whether they’ll enjoy Battlefront would pay more than the minimum price…
In the original game, the overworld doesn’t appear until 2/3rds of the way in, so it doesn’t even need to be in Part 1.
I don’t mind the games getting split up as long as each episode feels meaty and self-contained enough on its own. A fully explorable Midgar with highways that you can patrol on your motorcycle and an endless supply of sidequests would be more that sufficient until the next game is released.
Square: “CD Projekt Red, how can we make a gigantic AAA 100 hour game without sinking our studio?”
Best Final Fantasy since 9.
It seems intended as mid-late game content. You access it from one of the early areas (Cathedral Ward) but you’ll be too underleveled to do very much at that point. But you can run around and grab some of the items laying around before getting killed by horrible things.
Really? I think it looks incredible.
That’s just Conan being Conan, I think. He’s an absurdist and he mocks everything in existence mercilessly. He also regularly lampoons his own show, his own staff, and especially himself.