
Snoopy murdered me. Twice.

She’s a parkour runner. Therefore young and athletic, or she wouldn’t be able to do the job very well. Young and athletic also means (from Mother Nature’s perspective) good breeding material which is why you find her attractive. Don’t beat yourself up too much about it.

It’s easy in the sense of understanding what you’re supposed to do. It’s still tedious and exhausting though (especially if you bought a whole room’s worth of furniture.)

I thought it was really well-preserved actually... the composition of the shots, the lighting, the movement, all recapture the look of the show really well. This actually convinced me a 3D-animated Samurai Jack could work really well.

Until Arkham Asylum people were saying the same thing about Batman...

But that was the 80s-early 90’s. Compared to Rambo, Robocop and the Terminator, Batman looks like Ghandi.

I haven’t seen the Destiny community this united about anything since the game came out.

$40 is the cost of a relatively modest date night. And I expect to have many romantic evenings together with this expansion.

Yeah, I’m counting every game with Assassin Creed’s name on it.

Demon’s Souls came out in 2009. In 2016 there will be 5 games in this “series” - if you count Demons Souls and Bloodborn as “Souls” games.

To all the complainers: Congratulations on buying your first videogame and welcome to the wonderful world of digital entertainment! You may notice that the game does not look exactly like a screenshot from a vertical slice or tech demo from 3 years ago. Also you may notice that the controller is not edible and you

Having played the demo untold countless times as a kid, this particular part always stood out to me. You enter the room and happen upon this officer and engineer studying the death star plans, the officer with his hands clasped behind his back. Suddenly they realize they’re not alone and turn to open fire on you,

I’m not sure why people would say that. There was that infamous durability bug in Dark Souls II, but aside from that FROM has a good track record for responding quickly to fan feedback. They’ve added lots of new content to both Dark Souls and Dark Souls II based on criticism/feedback, including some pretty major game

Even with a controller, the PC aiming is better... the autolock on PS4 is super disorienting, constantly targets the wrong thing, and makes your aiming crosshair move at about 3 pixels per minute, no matter how high you set the sensitivity. Maybe there is some way to turn that off but I never found it. On PC it works

What’s irritating is how useless or redundant most of that information is. Health bars are displayed in 2-3 different places onscreen at the same time. The entire tray of system icons are visible during combat which can’t be paused. The chat window is useless unless you want spam every 3 seconds, but there’s no

What happens to Anakin at the end of Jedi? Because he’s standing next to Obi-Wan and Yoda like a ghost... presumably that means he’s one with the Force now and can manifest himself just as Obi-Wan can (otherwise how would Luke see and acknowledge him). Does that means that “Vader” is dead but Anakin is immortal?

I think the disappointed people were expecting a serious study of human consciousness. This just isn’t that movie. It’s more interested in being weird and quirky than questioning the meaning of life. But for what it is, me and the group I saw it with enjoyed it all the way through.

Oh, good lord. It would be lying if they showed the E3 trailer, and then kept everything else a secret until you actually bought the game and had it in your hands. Most of these developers have been totally transparent about the fact that games change over the course of development including graphics, and what you see

And I haven’t really seen any good alternative proposed; if there is no target render, the developers will have no target to hit, and the final game will look bland. If there IS a target render, the developers will come very close to hitting it, but the slight remaining discrepancy gets torn to shreds by bloggers and

not knowing anything about the Edgar Wright script, there were a few moments like that in the trailer that made me feel like his DNA is still all over this project.