
Call me shallow but I'll happily stick with a mechanically inferior mouse as long as I don't hate myself whenever I have to look at it.

Call me shallow but I'll happily stick with a mechanically inferior mouse as long as I don't hate myself whenever I

“We’re offering you an exciting new position. another company... and it’s going to be a surprise... for all of us. Congratulations!”

It may be a bit frustrating at first because it follows a slightly different logic from what most players may be used to. But if you don’t give up in the first hour, you *will* beat it. Every challenge in the game is meant to be overcome. And if you really get stuck, there are always people willing to help you.

After getting killed by a single crow you missed on your way to recollect 20k lost blood echos, it won’t feel like cheating.

You can do it.
You won’t get stuck, because if you are truly hitting a brick wall, you can always summon other players to help you. And anyway, people really oversell how merciless these games are. They’re hard for the first hour or two when you’re still naively trying to play them like God of War. Then you wise up and

Having switched from PC to Console, I have to say I’m enjoying the game far more with precise gamepad controls. I do understand the overhead camera, though. The huge labyrinthine dungeons in this game would be impossible to navigate from a ground-level perspective. It would be the pinnacle of frustration to be

I’ve generally described the Souls games as Legend of Zelda’s evil twin. Bloodborne is actually probably the most Zelda-like IMO due to its Chalice Dungeons and faster more streamlined combat.

Silly newbs, what you do is offer to co-op for other players, which has 3 wonderful results:

1) You learn how to beat the boss without fear of losing all your souls and crying

2) You earn lots of souls by beating the boss so you can level up for when you take him on yourself.

3) You completely ruin the host player's

There's this one genre of games that's designed just for people like you, it's called Netflix.

It was a little less difficult, but Dark Souls 1 also had a few insanely cheesetastic bosses like the stupid Capra Demon and his closet full of rape-dogs, and ridiculously tedious fights like the Hydras and the red dragon on the bridge that made it feel even harder. There's significantly less cheese in Dark Souls 2

Download Game Maker and start fooling around! We live in an amazing time where there are tons of resources for any amateur who wants to make a game and is willing to learn some basic scripting.

Literally anyone can make a video game if they are willing to learn a few things and devote the time to do it. It might not be a AAA game with millions of dollars in budget, but there are so many resources and tools available for even a hobbyist to get started. So it's not a stupid question and I don't feel stupid for

What's stopping you?

Hahaha, wow I didn't think anyone still knew about that. I'm sure someday it will pop up on Kickstarter. For now I'm enjoying the benefits of full-time work in the industry.

Dragon's Dogma for me is part of a trinity of games along with Dark Souls and Skyrim. That's how much I love it. I really hope this Online game is successful because I feel like Capcom is just waiting to put a bullet in the head of that franchise before it even has a chance to live up to its full potential.

That's exactly it for me... I want my game to star an interesting character and most games don't provide that. In particular for male characters it's always either Meathead Lunkjaw or Sassymouth Roguington. When a rare game comes along that presents a multifaceted character, it's really interesting.

Everyone put up such a fuss about that, I'm wondering if that's why it's gone under the radar for a while. I wouldn't be surprised at all if it shows up again with a more diverse selection of characters, or even character creation. It sounds like they want this to be a pillar franchise for them so they need to get it

You know, when they charged $60 for Super Nintendo games back in the day... adjusting for inflation that's about $100 now. And $60 was *cheap* for a Super Nintendo game.

I don't need a film to explicitly depict feels. But after the fifth or sixth time Jupiter falls for an obvious lie from an obviously evil character, almost dooms all of humanity and then falls off a tall ledge, I was ready for it to be over. My wife was literally trying to reach through the projector screen and