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    It gets worse.

    I dig this article but you’ve got to credit all of the artwork you’re posting.

    I re-watched it relatively recently and there is definitely a sense of foreboding low-key terror that permeates the flick, I think largely thanks to lighting and music. But it could always be darker! That cute little alien he meets on the ship? Now it murders scientists

    My usual username was taken on the PSN so I created a new one when I got my PS4 (I stopped playing my PS3 after I stopped working for Sony forever ago) that is just my real name. Turns out my old username was taken because I took it and forgot about it. Now I have a terrible real name PSN name and an old account I

    I watched it. It’s...not bad but it’s not good. It’s basically just an off-brand Voyager fan fict on a big budget. It doesn’t really try to be something worth watching. It doesn’t commit to being a star trek knock off with any real zeal nor does it lean into being humorous or satirical. The ship is becalmed.

    Isn’t it already a success by virtue of the Netflix deal for streaming outside of NA?

    I...I still don’t know what Homestuck was.

    They were popular circa 2009-2012 but have fallen out of popular use already.

    I really wish this wasn’t region locked. :(

    I pay, finish watching the show I want, then cancel. NBD

    Did he ever pay those kids?

    Man, Blizzard’s art direction/style looks so much like kids toys now it’s really off putting. They’ve leaned way too hard into form thickening and crap

    1: It was boring.
    2: Action sequences were mostly super dull; no grandeur in choreography
    3: Lighting was poor— could barely tell what was going on half the scenes
    4: Including all the supporting casts amounted to nothing
    5: The pacing was terrible; everytime we built some momentum we’d cut to character drama
    6: Misty

    The Defenders is SO BORING.

    If it’s not Ewan I don’t want it

    They really shouldn’t have split it up. I’d rather have waited for the full season. As it is, the truncated season 3 feels disjointed and incomplete.

    This dude is going to shoot someone

    I mean, he’s not a villain but you can throw in Detective Chimp for good measure.