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    i can’t believe i cry literally every time i here this song.

    Jesus, why?

    Semi-related: why is the music in Splatoon 2 so much worse than in Splatoon?

    Wait, what?

    If only playing PokemonGo captured even a fraction of the excitement suggested in that promo vid tho

    Jesus this is such a stretch it hurts

    This means they already casdt a white dude but are laying some “we tried” paving stones through the racist garden.

    Half-Life 3 confirm— wait, are we not doing that anymore?

    I thought I read something somewhere in which one of the devs said this game takes place in a time/place where the timelines converged back into one

    This game really was the best

    Nardole really turned out to be a surprisingly likable character. Very unexpected.

    This looks cheesy bad

    This is a really good point

    Bad news: Lord & Miller are off the animated Spider-Man now. Ron Howard is taking over. He’s also moving into their homes and assuming all their familial and friend relationships to keep them better in line with the Disney/Marvel/Star Wars brand.

    They usually end up on the Saga shop after SDCC

    Why not surround the away teams in forcefield while we’re at it.

    Not to diminish the amazing work this woman is doing, but

    I’m ashamed I never beat the single payer boss in the first Splatoon. It was tough and I was better at online. Never went back

    Pink shirt/tie Sean guy is actually the best

    Sure but i don’t have to buy his game.