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    You nailed it-- the film never really solidifies behind any of the suggested emotional keys. It’s not about paternity, self-destructive agression, a return to heroism or anything else suggested. It’s just about “Wolverine is sort of old now let’s take him out for one more ride”.

    You nailed it-- the film never really solidifies behind any of the suggested emotional keys. It’s not about

    Haven’t played it yet. Will be getting it for Switch.

    I finally saw Logan and I’m surprised by how much praise it recieved. It’s a pretty basic, unremarkable story with 0 surprises and a complete lack of journey for the main character to go on. Not to mention completely forgettable adversaries and an ending that sort of just stops.

    I finally saw Logan and I’m surprised by how much praise it recieved. It’s a pretty basic, unremarkable story with 0

    So, like, Destiny?

    As a comic book artist/writer currently finishing a historical fiction graphic novel i wish i lived one province west so i could be eligable

    The art reminds me a bit of (the body shamingly named) Fat Princess

    I enjoyed it as well. The exploration aspect that did make it into the game was fun; I really enjoyed the concept of setting up outposts— though it would have been cool to have more control over where and when I set up outposts and the effect those outposts had on the game.

    I showed up for Joe Gilgun and I’m sticking around for Joe Gilgun

    he’s a true American Canadian Ninja Warrior

    It’s an entire galaxy of planets with sentient life and cultures and y’all want everyone to dress the same and drive the same busted ass cars

    Without proper laws criminalizing hate speech (which is violence) and a justice system willing to enact those laws how can you expect those under constant, systemic threat to respond with anything other than the only means of defense available?

    The klingon design on the klingon coffin thingy implies long, OG style hair.

    I need this so bad

    This looks not good

    I dunno, that was about as funny as any tv comedy but with a huge adam scott boost

    Happy!, the adaptation of a Grant Morrison comic starring Christopher Meloni

    Psy is good music

    Looks like Tron 2.0; too shiny, too clean and too white.

    I feel like they could have made us care with a well crafter film that was unafraid to be original (Guardians). But throwing us into TV land with a TV budget and I really doubt it’ll be worthwhile

    Holy shit, these are REALLY bad.