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    Relax with the hallways fights already

    I’m flabbergasted that you had to explain this.

    All the shitty white people in the audience scared to laugh or do journalism

    I was expecting a “This is so dumb lol” article so I really appreciate the consideration and attention to historical genocidal policies in Canada that you cover. Really thoughtful

    We are never going to see that show

    Why are so many americans proud of being treated like shit by capitalism?

    This crap is exactly why myself and my partner aren’t traveling to the US, for cons or vacations, this year or anytime soon.

    Why do you guys always omit the artist from article titles when talking about comics? Honestly, it’s pretty shitty

    The ghost sharks are in that trailer.

    You mean like this?

    The Bendu

    This is from the album Discovery, not Aerodynamic. Daft Punk doesn’t even have an album called Aerodynamic.

    Seems Optimis has gone full Dom Torreto

    Mara Jade was terrible. The best thing the “Legends”ing of the EU did was remove her.

    Warwick is an incredible talent. Check out Helena Crash. He’s an artist other comics artists adore. And the other Hellboy title artists, Duncan Fegredo and Guy Davis, only added to what made the comic amazing. Mignola, as an artist, is pretty amazing at choosing other artists to work with that suit his story telling

    Yup. Noticed that too. Bullshit.

    Can’t Smile Without You is one of my all time number one faves. I have Barry on vinyl, which I reserve for only my top shelf faves.

    Man, I’m loving this game. Surprised how many people aren’t into it. Driving the batmobile around different worlds and off of mountians is one of my fave parts. Combat is fun and works well. Story is fine, still better than DAI. Building up/terraforming/improving worlds for habitation is super satisfying to me.

    Wait, this is the dude that guested on Critical Role, right?

    Can we smoke these fish?