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    5th Edition is really the easiest edition to get into. I suggest googling some youtube videos on getting started/rolling characters etc. They can be very helpful.

    We’ve got to stop giving public money to these sport franchise assholes

    They’re totally going to Luke it up with Superman.

    It was either this or The Hardest Button to Button but as Snyder probably astutely pointed out, none of the costumes have buttons

    Fork +

    So they’re going to keep trying to force the Guardians style on top of a Snyder film, eh?

    If I weren’t a huge comic reading nerd this episode would have been shocking

    Maybe if you read the article you’d understand?

    The other Marvel Netflix shows aren’t that great, obviously. But they at least had some elements (Daredevil = good action, Jessica Jones = great villain, Luke Cage = unique hero perspective as a few examples) that help elevate them a bit above the sum of their parts. Iron Fist desn’t have anything like that. At all.

    On the one hand, it’s cool that they are getting credit they deserve. On the other hand I personally wouldn’t want a credit anywhere near Sheeran’s affected, simpering pablum.

    I’m glad you wrote this. Saves me doing the same. A tattoo artist is an artist. And the writer taking a swipe at artists in general being dicks s well as posting this person’s art and slagging it is pretty childish as well.

    Did any one else find Maul’s little “He’ll avenge us all” pretty unsettling? Is that not a pretty dark prediction for the “chosen one”?

    He was amazing and inspired so many in the comics industry. We’re lucky to have all the work he made over the years.

    This seems to be a bioware problem. DA:I leaves every character looking dipped in oil and made of thick plastic skin.

    I don’t care why she’s gone, I’m just happy she’s gone. Portman is terrible.

    I was going to get it until they announced Australia as a playable civ and left Canada in the *ahem* cold

    Could just be voiceover Yoda again, old clips? Wasn’t he sworn to secrecy for as well? That was just an audio clip.

    I roll my characters on paper but having a digital spell list is super handy! I’ve been using fight club but you have to manually enter so much information. This looks like it will keep things up to date for me. Really looking forward to it.

    I don’t really care if they ever come out. This isn’t a universe I’m dying to return to.

    “I think women in modern society don’t feel very well. The number one thing women say is ‘I’m exhausted and I don’t know why!’ I want to get to the bottom of why that is,”