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    Also, yes, 100% in.

    O noez she haxxed da GPSes

    Speed Racer is objectively excellent so it doesn’t belong on this list.

    Armageddon, Twister and Independence Day are pretty much loved by all.

    Maybe he’s asking like, existentially?

    Yo I think people should be able to have a phone and healthcare tbh

    Paul is a cool person and a great writer and the Clue movie is like one of my fave films so I’m really looking forward to this.

    It’s why I still defend the prequels. ;)

    Maybe it was because I read the majority of that arc as a wee teen

    The Yuuzhan Vongare just terrible. Terrible character design, terrible “allegory”, terribly unnecessary expansion to the universe.

    Now that you’ve said “doctor” i want him as Doctor Who

    They had me at David Tennant is Scrooge


    I’d rather play the HP version since the actual game is too close to reality right now.

    Am I humblebragging correctly?

    I’m salty about the no Canada.

    I mean, Mr. Bones isn’t much of a stand-in for HK-47 so I’m actually kind of put out that he’s stealing his lines now.

    It’s always six issues then three months off. So the trade can come out and people can catch up and Fiona doesn’t die.

    Wait, why don’t we start with a moon colony again?