
Mystery Team is the more popular comparison, but it reminds me more of The Boy Detective Fails.

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Really surprised not to see MGMT on here. Their new track “Me and Michael” is the catchiest pop song they’ve written in years.

I get the Ferrari on grass thing, but man, cross country is the best kind of distance running there is. The serenity of the grass, the trees, the rustic dirt you’re burning your lungs up, your quads begin to feel like sandbags, and your mouth dries up like a cotton ball set by a roaring fireplace, these

Read a wonderful thinkpiece earlier today that can be summarized as: if schumer and the dems play their cards right and continute to take bargaining chips off the table in smaller, quieter deals over the next couple of weeks, while also calculating a shitton of cost estimates with the new data Trump’s ICE has been

His reputation is soiled but he is still Captain America, hmmm. Black Widow was killed, or maybe she wasn’t, hmmm. The Allies lost the second World War, or, uh... hmmm. Hydra Cap really is the real Cap, oh wait, Nick Spencer says he isn’t now, hmmm. Magneto, a concentration camp survivor, aligned himself with Hydra

Speaking as a Chiefs fan....I’m not at all worried about the “home” advantage that the Chargers will allegedly have next year. Of course, I never had cause to worry about that at Qualcomm either....

Anyone who says spanos has any loyalty to san diego is either lying or functionally incapable of rational thought.


Anyone who says spanos has any loyalty to san diego is either lying or functionally incapable of rational thought.  

San Diego is the largest American city without a professional* sports franchise.

*-ly run

There’s no clause in Hunt’s contract like that. He asked for it to be put in after the Lesnar fight, but the UFC said no.

If you don’t make weight for a fight, your opponent gets a decent percentage of your purse. I assume he’s trying to make this analogous.

It’s a prize fight. The winner got the bigger prize. He was dirty. Hunt believes the competetive advantage Lesnar had should disqualify him from that prize.

The thought process is probably: “I think we can get more out of you if this goes to court, but look, he’s willing to just take the money he’d have made if he won the fight and this goes away, and also shore up your drug testing policies, idiots.”

Does she work in the Quality Department? Because if so, we’re office mates.

Whatever this period has been spanning the Bush years until now has been characterized by people who are extremely bad at their jobs doing very, very well despite (?) that fact. No one has been so committed to not only being bad at their job, but somehow, despite being on the front row for most of the essential

FUUUUCK thank you!,  I was really looking for a post like this!. I am 100% amazed about the stupidity of this “debate” they changed like 3 characters to make it diverse and complaint about the Asian they changed from the books, they put an asskicking, no cleavage woman and that was not enough!.

Oh interesting! I’m always curious how (presumably) heterosexual men feel about role-playing sexual fantasies together.

that’s a fallacious appeal to authority.

No. At least, not a real doctor (MD or DO, rather than NMD, or worse, an HMD). If there’s an actual deficiency, you treat it properly. You don’t let the patient leave the office with the only advice being something as ambiguous and unmeasureable as “cook more with cast iron stuff”. No. They get iron

Two points: