
Didn’t read, just came here to figure out why Justin Trudeau was suspended as PM of the Padres because gosh so dreamy

I actually have to give them some respect. A lot of people would backpedal and try to weasel their way out of it, but when the official word came from Blizzard, they kept their promises.

The personal experience of a lawyer friend matches up with that. Sadly none of this is surprising.

You’re fun at parties, aren’t you?

Yeah, that’s the consensus they reach in the video too :/ Something is better than nothing, but the right tool for the right job is better than something.

I feel like we are finally turning a curve on body shaming

Once again, a black man discovers the Blues, but it’s white guys who make money off them.

I was rather upset. She was like “I’ve been meaning to do this for a few weeks but wanted to wait till you came up.”

I left out the best part of the story: small school and social circle, news travels fast. That night at the bar I was feeling a bit sorry for myself and a bunch my female friends were comforting me, and apparently a rare view of myself as a vulnerable human and not just a soulless, drunken monster appealed to a couple

I was living with a boyfriend and we’d been together almost 3 years and he woke up one morning and said he had a saucy dream about some girl he worked with and it was so real that he had to go and ask her out because he felt like it was Fate. He gave me a week to pack up and leave our house, which I did and I told him

This one is on my personal Hall of Fame for...if nothing absence of BS never before experienced by yours truly in such a situation. I had been dating a woman for about 2 months and she was and experimental in Bedroom Gymnastics.....a “Keeper” by

In college I dated a girl who was a classmate’s friend from back home for about 18 months. I really liked her, but wasn’t sure about our future. She resolved it for me with the nicest, most tactful breakup ever. She drove up from her home 1-1/2 hours away on a weekday, and laid out the reasons we should stop seeing

I’ve only done the dumping once. Here’s some of the more fun break up stories I have.

Couple of addendums here to this generally good advice from a now-married 34 year old who is also a veteran in love:

Damn. This all sounds a lot better than the 'just stay in the fucking useless thing until eventually she gets tired of your complete inaction and lack of emotional or physical involvement and wants to move on because why the fuck not. I mean, it's better than dating, because dating fucking sucks, and it's not like

A break up by telephone call might be appropriate if you are in different cities or countries

Lovely article. May I add, ‘Don’t tell lies’ to the mix? I’m a 49 year-old man who just dumped a girlfriend for the first time in my life (she was my first post-separation/divorce girlfriend). I suppose it helped being a fully functioning adult with the wisdom of the ages behind my back, but as I drove over to her

I still remember War Machine from the Ultimate Fighter series. He was so clearly on the edge, I felt bad for him immediately. He talked about how brutal his childhood was, and he was so clearly profoundly sad and hurt. It was also obvious that he couldn’t control his emotions, and was a walking time bomb. A decent

Of course he did. But we already knew that this piece of shit was a fourth class citizen.

"He's one of only a handful of fighters— Jon Jones, Georges St. Pierre, and whoever else you might want to name—worthy of discussion as greatest in the sport's modern history"