
This is also a reminder that it’s been 8 years since Craig Ferguson (and Geoff the robot) had a nightly talk show.

I’m confused by what she means when she mentions the dialog referencing Vonnegut. Is it supposed to be bad because Vonnegut isn’t a feminist author or because the female character should have been reading his books herself?

Single staffing a retail store is dangerous and stupid. Especially when that single employee is there for nearly 12 hours. Good for her. Your life is worth more than a pittance from a company that doesn’t care about you in the slightest.

Devil’s advocate here - couldn’t we all name 5% of the people at our jobs that are doing a shitty job? If not more?

I like that this shows how little due diligence the banks use. However, each scam makes them a little more careful, so by the time I come up with a good one, it probably won’t work.

This is so dumb. I have zero interest in any Discovery programming. I wouldn’t want it on my HBO Max account even if it were free. I really dislike piracy, both for ethical reasons and because it’s a hassle, but it’s sounding better and better every day.

Old guy who once rolled in credits loses some to other guy getting credit - NEWS AT 11.

I haven’t had an AAA subscription in 8ish years and somehow my member number still works for getting discounts on hotels and car rentals.

Oh god... That lead image. It’s like they stole the wheels off a donk. 

I was pretty sure Honda was going to help Red Bull until 2022, that was always in the cards and was known very early on. The continuing to help to 2025 makes sense, since the all-new power units arrive then.

For those who are as confused as I was, this is not the same Jim Cummings who is a well-known voice actor (e.g. the current voice of both Winnie the Pooh and Tigger in various Disney productions).

FFS, the guy was selling premium access to Switch ROMs. This has f all to do with preserving and sharing old, rare games.

Cabin in the Woods

Ah, it’s pretty clear in context that the “You” Whedon referred to was the character, Spike.

The controls on those early titles were about as unintuitive as they could be. I had a hard time just trying to figure out how to frickin' walk forward. Ridiculous.

Do you actually work for Comcast? That’s the only way I could see anyone thinking this was, in any way, a positive. Thank the gods, I don’t have to deal with their shitty internet. I would hear horror stories from friends all the time about it. It’s bullshit. Easily. 

You realize at this stage in her career Swift IS the board meeting, right?

I like Fangoria, minus Joe Bob (which is an unpopular opinon but he was cancelled in the 90's for a horrific column. Yeah, it was that racist. He never acknowledged that his persona was out of line, and it wasn’t out of context. Gross and very conflicting because damn he appreciates horror in a delightful way)

This is why “contractors” is a poor term to keep using since it implies that an employment agreement is a contract as commonly understood (i.e., the employer would owe something to the “employee” if terminated). Contingent workers is more accurate.

‘it’s not a stretch to say the front half towers over the second.’