
The finale was so confusing. Had zero direction and none of it made sense with the rest of the season. It really felt like it was written the night before, which apparently is what happened. I couldn't follow the plot at all, and it missed so many opportunities to tie the original cabin visit in, to the extent of

Yeah, why on earth would we want to see a full circle reference and time line intertwining of the movies we loved? Nah, rather have that shit on because it's too "predictable". The whole series is comedy. You must not like it.

he didn't name names. How interviews work is the brackets means the author inserted that bit of text.

Agreed. The cabin being destroyed makes no sense. I thought it might have been slightly broken down so the ceiling was caved a bit like it was in the original movies, but gone? That means the franchise doesn't happen. Would have loved the BTTF nods. Tapert sucks.

Came to post this.

So, History.

Yeah I definitely had a crush on her.

likely the huge amount of pressure hitting her eyes. You can lose vision if your pressure is too much, pressure on the optic nerve. Family members of mine have had that happen just in regular life.

It bothers me how unceremoniously they got rid of all protagonists from S1. If they were going to do that, just do it offscreen between seasons or do it during S1. It's annoying to see those faces again glad to have some link to S1, and then they do nothing and die. It's like they painted themselves into a corner

Funny, since most red states have a large population in those situations.

Yeah J&J had a boy of their own (probably) at the end, which is a good or bad thing. Good because it's what they wanted originally but bad because it kind of undermines the whole point of them adopting.

There was a whole hour before they even recorded anything with Jay. There's a lot of time in there for them to try to frame a hot case that they needed solved.

Has no one thought that the cops may have found the car and then fingered Jay, and he fingered Adnan out of fear and easiest perp - and then they pretended he showed them the car?

glad the Double R Diner came up. I was going to post it otherwise.

you mean Punk'd?

I can't argue about the awful Sherri stuff.

She's great, and they've used her well. It doesn't matter if it'd be "better" objectively or not - they cast has been around 9 years and deserves most of the screen time.

what in the F?

The show isn't about the mother. It's about how he met her. I'm glad with what we've gotten - it would be a slap in the face to push everyone else to the background in the final season and focus on a brand new character the entire time.

is that from one of your poems? lol