
I kind of hope the show ends after this season. It's been coasting for way too long, as noted in this writeup - there's no more strife, everyone is settled and pretty much every episode is a bottle episode in the house with all the characters.

Yup. Always had to decide between SP, LP, or SLP

our kids will have no idea what "SP" is.

I very much agree with most points. This season was slow, boring, and pointless. Waste of talent. I was really hoping for a "The Craft" type showdown in the final episode, but nope - just a bunch of witches sitting around talking.

I saw Death play their show in Chicago on the reunion tour.

Grunge was the last era there will probably ever be without auto tune and with instruments you can actually pick out every string pluck and drum hit. They recorded raw and didn't have all the digital advantages of the coming bands in the later 90s and beyond.

Agreed. I know nothing about Harmon except that I love Community and it's his baby.

I'm sure it's that CG is much easier to do and less time consuming.

I miss actual drawn animation.

why are all sites going to the Kotaku/Discus model?

nudity is only taboo because the prudes make it so.  if it was normally seen on TV it wouldn't be an issue.  Just look at the UK, they don't even take note of it.