
I mean, there would be massive warfare if they stayed and it would probably end up causing Israeli military intervention eventually even if there wasn’t official protection (since stories of settler children getting slaughtered would cause an uproar in the Israeli populace). Basically, however many stay will cause

It’s a really tough distinction to make, but I’d say the primary difference between a freedom fighter and a terrorist is the target. In the case of a freedom fighter, the targets are the opposing military or government (the King David was housing essentially the entire British military establishment in Jerusalem, but

Elllie...sheket (bevakasha)... sorry, the joke just seemed too appropriate here.

This is the biggest pile of false equivalency I’ve read today! Two state solution indeed. Israel will just keep waiting, Hamas will disappear real soon I’m sure, and then everything will be just fine! If only Netanyahu stopped the settlements, there would be peace. We would have Israel, a democracy, and Palestine,

And what exactly would be “helping”? Treating them with respect?

What a dumb thing to say. I don’t have to be quiet in a movie theater until everyone in the theater has earned my respect? No. Respect does not need to earned prior to acting civilized.

And what exactly would be “helping”? Treating them with respect? Nah, respect has to be earned not given.

No, says person who believes screaming at any woman when she’s with her three young children is way the fuck over the line.

I was so hoping they would throw a sly Supernatural joke in there, but oh well. Hot damn, Sammy is a pretty boy.

yeah I agree, it’s almost like he was a different character by the end of of his arc. I mean I get people can change and not for the best but it seemed excessive just to make Jess likable. I have NEVER understood the Jess love. He’s a douche but everyone likes a bad boy I guess?

in season 1 dean was actually great. he was super nice, loved books and music and cool stuff like rory. then all of a sudden he was terrible to make way for jess

Yes, I will defend any woman from having to be called demeaning names - like the litany you just spewed. With no regard as to her politics.

I did not say they were right. I said they felt they were correct. The same way as now, we feel that we are correct and they are wrong.

I do not think she was correct in calling out sexism. However, I am calling out a panel of only men challenging her. This has become a tiresome and common sight. All men challenging whether something is sexist. The same way all men have been deciding (and constricting) women’s reproductive rights.

You are correct on the history and I am not denying it. I am very aware of the actual history and can see a couple of parallels in the populist message (which Sanders also touted). In fact, I am trying to point it out. Can that happen again? Probably. Will it happen here? Most likely not.

I must respectfully disagree. Humans are humans. All 7 billion plus of us, regardless of all other factors. Some humans are good and some are bad. They are not less human for it. It is distinctions like parsing “what is a human,” that is at the base of racism, misogyny and the other ills of our society.

Sorry, but I will not abide any woman being called bitch and any person being called a Nazi over a political difference.

What I see is that some of what President Obama campaigned on was read as socialism by the right. And some of his plans were seen as constricting of rights by conservatives. Were they dumb lies or are you just calling those you disagree with dumb.

No, it does not. All hymns are equal their politics may differ, but all people are people. There are no “lesser humans.” That is the thinking of a bigot.

Feel free to call her an asshole. Again, I did not defend her politics. I objected to bitch and Nazi.