
This is all I can think of.

This information comes from...exit polls? Because those are terribly reliable! Yesiree, polling data throughout this endless process has been stunningly reliable!!! Maybe you could ask Nate Silver what he thinks!!

And Hillary leaked a photo of Obama in a turban in Kenya and added a fuck ton of fire to the “he’s a dirty mooslin” back in 2008 which carries on to this day. Let’s not forget the part of Wikileaks where her campaign mentions the south and him being Jewish and an atheist.

So, I’m unclear why, but you seem to be laboring under the delusion that I voted for Stein because I felt she had a shot at winning the presidency.

Thanks...couldn’t have said it better myself. I love being called an asshole, snowflake or DB because I didn’t vote for the criminal running against the small handed bully.

Well put.

So, what percentage do you think would be appropriate? 5%? 10%? 40%?

Nothing - at what point did I imply that I was a political activist? Why is that if I want to enact “change” or act against the powers that be that I am held to a higher standard of action?

why are you assuming clinton was owed those votes

Yep how dare I for voting how I deemed appropriate! What a monster I am...That said I do wish you the best of luck with your asthma and access to healthcare

Hillary would have lost even if all 3rd party voters had voted for her. Majority of white voters voting Trump and the gutting of the of the Voting Rights Act, that probably took away votes that she could have used to swing a couple states, is the reason.

hahaha more salty libs. Thinking that us libertarians would have voted for her even if we hadn’t voted for Johnson. When will you understand that our votes would not have gone her way... trust me.

Gary Johnson had nothing to do with this. We lost. Our party’s complacency did us in. We placed so much emphasis on Hillary and the righteous feeling of inevitability that we couldn’t see the forest for the trees. The rejection of our candidate says less about the rejection of the progressive platform and more about

Couldn’t I say the exact same thing about you and “your party”? Also I am an independent.

You really going to demonize me because I liked neither Trump or Clinton and voted for the Libertarian ticket with the hope of expanding a two party system to add more alternatives? I understand you are demoralized with the results, but these sorts of tantrums and talking in absolutes that condemn people with

Why didn’t you guys just make third parties illegal after 2000 if they’re so terrible? Fuck, why didn’t you guys do ABSOLUTELY. ANYTHING. about this problem when it happened sixteen years ago? I’m repeating myself but I haven’t heard a single goddamn argument explaining it. Libertarians can’t pass laws, they don’t

Seriously? This shit again?

i get it, but like...what i see on twitter is above and beyond that. the pure hatred and nastiness that comes for any dissenting opinion is what i am talking about. loving an artist makes sense- doing everything in your power to bully someone off social media because they think beyonce sucks? doesnt make sense

i like beyonce (have forever, saw destiny’s child in concert three times as a kid) but is anyone else totally exhausted by stan culture? the internet acting like she is the greatest thing in the history of the world and completely above reproach tires me out(the amount of ‘woke’ people i saw defending her for that

She’s cute and all, but sorry, no. There will never be another Anne for me.