
I had the opportunity to observe discussions about the Cheetoh on an evangelical friend’s FB page prior to the 2016 election, and the one person who was challenging the others on how they could possibly vote for someone so vocally against things that religious people say is critical, and it came down to this: only god

I will never watch GoT because all the rapey character growth.

God, I just want to sit here and like and unlike this post so I can like it all over again, all night long.

I was thinking the same thing. Parents who supply booze to teenagers can be held responsible for subsequent damage their little darlings do, can’t they? I know, I know, slippery slope indeed, but it’s frustrating.

His name is Nicholas Giampa, his FB is under the name Nick Breedlove. His mother’s name on FB is Marilyn Breedlove. It looks like she has since taken down or made her page private. The first post that was visible was a video of a high school kid kicking out the chair of another student who was sitting for the pledge

This story made me so mad I actually did minor level internet stalking to discover this stupid prick’s name and found his mom’s FB page. SURPRISE! She’s got posts bitching about anyone not standing for the anthem or pledge of allegiance, and being very pro-deportation of “illegals”. So yeah, alerting the parents to

I’m a woman who wears makeup maybe 5 times a year. We exist! But it’s pretty clear that this requirement is about reducing female applicants, because somehow I don’t think these bro-dudes are looking for lesbian roommates (the no activism and no eating habits that require refrigerator space kinda cancel out the

All of your comments here are just so much truth. This one in particular is kind of blowing my mind. You are 100% right. Thank you.

Bless. 42G here, and there is exactly ONE brand and ONE style that I’ve found that works for me: Wacoal Minimizer. It costs $60+ a pop and never goes on sale. Most store coupons exclude this line.

This caucasian is giving thanks for these 3 guides. They are all just what I needed for the holiday. Beautiful and hilarious and full of love.

I was coming here to wonder if they got a new Jane, because this is not only NOT the usual trollishly terrible advice, it’s pretty great.

Me Millenial? That’s funny. I’m firmly Gen X, and never watched the show because it just seemed like a Sex and the City retread (and I didn’t like that show either).

Lena Dunham is 12 kinds of awful. How she became some sort of alleged icon is just beyond me.

I just got a Hagrid vibe from Dustin being so foolishly protective of what was clearly going to be a troublesome creature. It just seemed like a plot device to me, to give Dustin something to do while the others were elsewhere. Matarazzo took the opportunity to shine, but the Dart bit is maybe my least favorite part

Sarah said that she worried Ryan would hurt himself, and that “it got to the point where I felt like I had to send him pics when he’d ask.”

I’ve seen that kind of divide before, where guys are apt to say that of course this unself-consciously cool, quirky girl is totally believable, while gals are more likely to insist that, ugh, no, that’s just what you guys want to believe, but it’s a phony put-on.

One single person doesn’t get to change the harmless aspects to of a company’s culture.... Either suck it up or go somewhere else.

or traffic gets unexpectedly worse and you get caught in a cycle of turning off and then on the oven and both of you are aggravated by the time they get home and you order a pizza.

There are also lots of ways to get thousands (probably millions by now) of fake followers, to make you look more attractive to sponsors.

I can see how this can be used in a non-clingy, non-stalker-y way, but I have to ask: WHY? As someone below mentions, 20 years ago there was nothing like this, and couples managed to prepare dinner and function pretty well without being able to see at a glance where the other one is. There’s an artificial need that’s