I'm so sorry that happened to you. He sounds awful.
It's very fitting Emma Watson is commenting on this because I heard that a lot of these jerks were requesting nude pictures of Watson. Having a celebrity crush is fine but celebrities are still people. She's right about the lack of empathy and it's shameful.
There was a saying in our military (Canada). "The harder the job, the uglier the women". I was in Signals so our women were considered attractive. Attractive enough that during one of my stints as a radio course instructor, one of my students had the unfortunate incident of having an ex-infanteer who was training to…
White Knights may mean well, but they end up coming across as "protecting" weak women from bad guys for their own "Look how wonderful I am" gratification.
I think you're being way too generous here. Reporting sexual harassment of any kind in corporate America does not tend to go well for the reporter.
I am currently active duty Navy, 19 years. I have been sexually assaulted 3 times (my first 2years in) reported each one, and nothing ever came of it. I have talked so many young women out of joining because young females are treated like pieces of fresh meat and consistently have to work 10 times harder to prove…
Legit question about "white knighting" - I'm always stoked when men call out the bad behavior of other men. I feel like unfortunately men are much more likely to change only when their behavior is considered unacceptable by other men and are told as much.
You always have the right to say what you want. It never comes without consequence or responsibility.
Now THAT'S a good photo right there.
I don't get how wearing certain clothes off base demeans the service, but mocking women dressed in uniform doesn't.
The problem is, people can't really be "fired" in the military. Even people who do tremendously stupid things usually end up sitting around wasting space for 8 months while HQ Marine Corps figures out what to do with them.
The job security in the military is one of it's worst aspects. People know that they are…
it will ruine their pedicures. What do you think is inside those boots?
Exactly. The bar really has been lowered so far that all it takes is one man acting like a human being to make us melt with gratitude.... Sad! Acting like a human being shouldn't be cause for a medal!
This is how I know the current atmosphere of incessant misogyny is taking a toll on me - when I see a simple, well-articulated and what should be a da-doy obvious take on an issue (that shouldn't even exist) like this and I am reduced to such gratefulness that I feel weak with gratitude.
Having finished 5 years in the Marine Corps last year, this guy is right. There's a lot of disgusting shit said and done to women in uniform, it really can leave you disappointed with an organization you've signed a huge chunk of your life away to.
It's funny (not really), because at one of my units, right when Obama…
Half a dozen years ago I was asked by my grandmother to mentor my niece, and influence her to stay out of the military. My family was concerned that she wouldn't be safe from sexual assault in the military. Well, she had health problems that prevented her from joining and so I wasn't needed. Unfortunately, my nephew…
this kid can come hang out with me like right now.