I read about this yesterday, and despite all the awful things floating around on the internet right now, I won't deny that this made my day.
I read about this yesterday, and despite all the awful things floating around on the internet right now, I won't deny that this made my day.
Okay ew. First of all, why the hell are there no changing stations? There should always be changing stations in the mens' and womens' restrooms both to accommodate both parents.
Oh there is, I'm sure, but I think the general consensus is that it's easier to sell books that cater to each personality. Facts have a hard time beating out opinions these days. D:
Yeah, agreed. I mean, I wouldn't have used this device personally, but I was super paranoid about keeping my baby *alive.* I mean, have you read those baby books? Honestly? They are INSANE.
Yeah, I doubt I would have trusted it either. Like you said, we're talking about a baby here. And generally speaking, when it's *your* baby, there's nothing that's even half as reassuring as checking on everything yourself.
I don't know if I want to be invited to any function by a woman who doesn't even know the difference between "your" and "you're."
Where was this guy when all those animal stamps were floating around when I was a kid? I mean, they were all endangered animals, and it was supposed to be raising awareness, I think, which is great, but how is that celebrating "America" in particular? I think this guy needs to reconsider his reasoning for opposing the…
I would enjoy this immensely.
I'm officially using the phrase "disrobing my fruit" for a million things, starting with removing my own clothing ("I'm going to go disrobe my fruit,") and any time I peel a piece of fruit.
I don't know why, but this amuses me. It's actually kind of adorable in an awkward kind of way.
"Having a moment" huh? I could definitely "have a moment" in the middle of her restaurant. But it probably wouldn't be the kind most people would reward.
Oh I dunno, that sounds pretty snarky to me. "Thanks God, for sending us this "server" to bring us our food and drinks, although, you know, the appetizers were cold, and she could be a bit snappier with the drinks. JUST SAYIN'."
Well yeah, I mean, don't get me wrong, I like to "shake it" now and again. But for one, I'm not doing it "for you" or anyone...I'm doing it because hell, I like to wiggle my hips sometimes because it's fun! But yeah, some of the "shake it" songs are okay. That one just...irks me. It's ridiculously catchy, don't get me…
Thank you for saying it. My husband showed me the video the other night and he's all *big grin* "Thought you'd like this!" (We live in Texas, so I'm surrounded by country all day every day unless I have control of the radio.) I was all "Yes, of course!" But honestly, it's the message I like, not the song itself. I…
Or even better: you answer a question posited by a man, who then avoids eye contact and looks to your husband/father for the "actual answer."
This is quite possibly the most horrific thing I've seen today.
You're welcome. It's something I'm only just now learning about myself. I've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and some other conditions that are often co-morbid with EDS, and apparently it's not something that's big on doctors' radars because it's considerably rare (but that means that a lot people also go…
That makes me so, so sad. I don't want to live on this planet anymore. D: