
You should watch it. The scale of the thing and the performance itself were magnificent. I wasn’t familiar with Beyonce’s career going into it, but I enjoyed the hell out of it.

I feel like I’m in the minority on this, but man, that episode felt so much like a $2 stock-fantasy book. I ended the ep going “That was it?”

I’m disappointed because, what I thought would be the ultimate conflict of the show, the ultimate evil that’s been around for 8000+ years, is less important than the war with Cersei? I guess it goes against what’s expected, but still. Cersei better do some absolute, BATSHIT CRAZY stuff to make the NK look like

Night nannies are definitely a thing. I had a friend who used one for a short period because sleep deprevation was fucking with her ability to function in the day. Maybe this person is a doula who night nannies for her clients in the weeks/months after their birth?

Funny how comfortable people are with her having essentially been a child soldier. But loving, consensual sex between two adults who’ve known each other for years? Nah, that’s inappropriate.

When I was a sophomore in college my university paid for this company that did mobile std testing to come park their gigantic trailer on campus. I was hanging out after lunch with a big group of people that included my crush (he and I were just acquaintances), and as people gradually left it was eventually just me and

Are you implying that if someone wanted to try hard enough they should be able to breast feed? It sounds that way, but I’m sure it cannot be what you meant to say. Maybe edit for clarification? Because saying that would be really cruel and medically incorrect. Some women just....cannot. You come across really self

I hate that the women in his life seem to be held more publicly accountable for his actions than he is. We either have articles asking women to answer for his crimes, or articles asking when CK and men like him are allowed to return to their “rightful” place in the spotlight. Why do women have to answer for the

Well, if the Ezekiel bread was totally biblical, it would have been baked using human feces.

Whipping his dick out was bad enough, but he also actively tried to ruin the careers of those women and anyone who tried to report on it as well. People don’t talk about that enough. Like so much fucking hand-wringing over a guy’s “ruined reputation” and literally nothing about the reps of all the women he crushed

How is it possible that nobody in a medical facility noticed that a patient in their care was pregnant?

“The plot of the movie makes no sense, but it’s an allegory” really isn’t selling me on the movie.

Lawyer here, no this is not inadequate representation. It’s the lawyer’s job to present every possible (reasonable) defense that could help his client. Even though this was a gross defense that would have serious negative consequences if it was successful (if not subsequently fixed by the legislature), this is zealous

Is it your position that Congress can create a rule that black people or women are not allowed to speak and it would stand up to Constitutional challenge?

Yep. Definitely doesn’t conflict with this: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. 

First, I’m not aware of any stigma associated with being conceived through IVF. *shrug* Second, I’m fairly certain MO let both her husband and her daughters read this long before it was published.

I don’t see how it’s an issue - it’s pretty common these days with those who have the funds to do it (and sometimes those that don’t).

I don’t understand, is this some quirk of Georgia state law? How, legally, can a slice of a town/city can hold referendums that aren’t open to voting by the entire population of said town/city?

Appropriate .gif is appropriate.

Read this story with a growing sense of horror throughout at the complete disaster it’ll cause. But for me, the bit that sums it up the most is this quote from the woman who’s responsible: