
I mean, there’s a whole episode left. Given that the whole thing about Veidt’s actions that created lots of this world, and Will Reeves’ complexity as a character, is whether its worth awful things to make other awful things not happen, plus the little pool thing, I’m guessing we’re going to figure out other reasons

I find the way the story is told very confusing. In Kattan’s account, it seems like she might have had no idea Michaels was coercing Kattan into the affair? Like, Kattan was basically sexually harassed and coerced by proxy, and Heckerling’s perspective was just being in what she thought was a consensual relationship

Honest question - if you really think of her as a little kid, why do you think you had that reaction to her wanting to have sex but *not* to her murdering loads of people and being in constant danger?

Look, I had PPD and love horror and would love for someone to make the movie you describe (that it sounds like the book might have really been?) and am really, really glad that it did that for some people, but if that was its intended story it was told poorly enough that it didn’t get across to the vast majority of

This is a bad take that simply empowers whichever religion is hegemonic prior to said bans, and ignores basic human freedoms. Democracy requires the big boy pants of letting other people express religions, fashions, ideas, and identities that you don’t share and finding common space with them as long as those

I don’t know what’s right for your family but I am doing (with similarly beloved but problematic books with some good and some atrocious content in my house) a mix of 1) skip it - for passing racist idioms and assumptions it might be too confusing to unpack but too damaging to leave in, 2) explain it - “I love the

Who called the original unfeminist or the actresses old? Do you have any links? All that has been mentioned in any of these articles is one tweet from one executive producer saying that his show wasn’t taking the original’s space because the original had years to get funded for a reboot if it could. Not diplomatic or

I think TLJ is a great example of why this is a bad argument. Almost all narrative art uses pre existing tropes and characters and influences - it’s the playing on, updating, and twisting of them without overattachment to faithful replication that usually leads to new and interesting things. Sometimes you have to risk

It seems like you’re comparing eight years of something to five minutes of something, which of course won’t hold up. I wasn’t a super fan of the original but saw plenty of episodes and ads - it was pretty straightforwardly dramatic. My guess would be if you went back and viewed the original promos for the original

In what way does putting Latina women in it “sully” it? I understand why the actress must find it frustrating that she doesn’t have a full time job with the show, but the ads so far look of exactly the same writing quality and vibe of the original show, they don’t insult the original show in any way, and it is totally

I in general stay away from criticizing people’s looks, which have little to do they are, except in case’s like Santorum’s. He doesn’t look that way because of an accident of birth - he looks that way because he has been holding his face in smarmy, condescending, and cruel expressions for so many years, he now has the

Agreed - I don’t know anyone who hasn’t wanted to quit their job one day and wanted to stay the next day, I don’t know why professional actors aren’t sometimes allowed to have the same relationship with their job as every other Joe Schmo in the universe.

Well, to be finicky not necessarily 2,000 years more like 900 or 1,000 (church started to definitively own all property around the same time they started requiring clerical celibacy, because too many Priests and orders were trying to leave church buildings to their kids;)). But yes, agreed, this is how it has always

I’ve read half a dozen articles on the subject from the major papers and checked out the one linked website, and none of them present the perspective you have described. I suppose that’s to be expected, since my initial comment was exactly about how ill-informed and confusing the media coverage has seemed to be

Again I don’t know the specific case that well but to be fair for almost any Catholic cleric their retirement plan *is* the Archdiocese or the order to which they belong - the whole “vow of poverty” thing not only makes 401ks complicated and incomes low, many have been religiously obligated to opt out of programs like

I don’t know a lot about this particular case but I know a lot about legal fights over religious property, and as sexy as I’m sure all the news outlets find their Katy Perry headlines it seems like all of the lawsuits and debate are actually between the nuns and the Archdiocese, not the nuns and Perry. It’s the

A very smart person I know said about both seminary and psych grad school: “There are the people who are there because they really want to be good ministers and therapists - and then there are the people who are there because they are in really desperate need of good ministry or therapy. Make sure you only go for the

Well what’s weird is that the initial restrictions don’t appear to have been about Catholic church sexual abuse but about more general identity/campus safe space stuff - don’t make race jokes, rape jokes, etc. It’s unclear whether they cut the mic because of predation references specifically, or because they thought

There’s a pretty popular worship service called the “U2Charist” that sets a traditional Episcopalian liturgy of communion and word to all U2 songs and it had a VERY big moment a few years ago. I think you’d be hard pressed to find US Christians who actively object to U2 beyond the strict subcultures that object to

The audience is elderly and middle-aged, not young. The middle-aged parents bring their kids, but the kids aren’t the demo I don’t think.